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M1.12 Patience Strong, Poet and Author.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: M1.12, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-4: Rhodesia, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Digital-Format: .pdf, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-7: Sedlescombe, Language: ENG, Description: Supplier of popular verse to newspapers, Identifier: COL00065, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Writer, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Strong, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-5: Poetry, Location: Sedlescombe,Whatlington, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Author, Title: Patience Strong, poet and author, Keyword-6: Whatlington
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.12 Patience Strong, Poet and Author.pdf
R3.6 Battle Abbey Sale 1976.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-9: 1066 Trust, Keyword-7: Lucy Webster Evelyn Harbord Godfrey Webster Harbord, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-12: Battlefield, Keyword-15: English Heritage, Time-Period: Contemporary, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-3: Powdermill House, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: Digital original, Location: Battle, Keyword-4: Michael Grace, Keyword-8: Ann Moore, Keyword-5: Battle Abbey School, Date-Issued-Published: 2023 05, Keyword-11: Government Peter Shore, Keyword-6: Abbey sale, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-13: Trustees of the Battle Abbey Estate, Rights: copyright BDHS, Description: An account of how Battle Abbey came into Public Ownership in 1976, Topic: Battle Abbey recent history, Keyword-10: Earl of Lonsdale, Keyword-14: Julian Parks Boyd Eugene Barnum Power, Keyword-2: Browne Viscounts Montagu Webster Duke of Cleveland, Keyword-1: R3.6, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2022 05, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Title: How Battle Abbey passed from Private to Public Ownership
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R3.6 Battle Abbey Sale 1976.pdf
L1.1 SIX ARTISTS OF the Battle area update v3.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Location: Battle,Sedlescombe, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00058, Keyword-4: Brabazon, Keyword-5: Grimm, Keyword-9: Olivier, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Six artists of the Battle district (updated), Date-Created-Original: 2018-05, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-06, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-8: Patry, Keyword-10: Villiers-Stuart, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-6: Turner, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern,Contemporay, Keyword-7: Inskipp, Description: Artists from Battle and District from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, Keyword-1: L1.1, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: Artists, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-11: Bacon, Keyword-3: Battle, Keyword-2: Artists
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/L1.1 SIX ARTISTS OF the Battle area update v3.pdf
S1.4 The Dannreuther family COL00134 (1).pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2020-03-04, Date-Created-Original: 2019, Keyword-3: Peru, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Grace, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: The Grace Family of Battle Abbey, Keyword-6: American, Genre: paper record, Keyword-7: Ireland, Time-Period: Late Modern, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-5: Battle Abbey, Topic: Family and Local History, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Origin: original digital, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: New York, Type: Text, Identifier: COL00136, Location: Battle, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: History of the Grace family in Battle Abbey, Personal-Name: Georgina Doherty, Language: ENG, Keyword-1: Webster
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/S1.4 The Dannreuther family COL00134 (1).pdf
K3.1 Edmund Langdon and his World.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Early Modern, Keyword-1: K3.1, Topic: Astrology,Medicine, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Langdon, Description: All about an astrologer who published a book of physik charts from Battle, Date-Created-Original: 2017-10, Location: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Title: Edmund Langdon and his World - General Practitioner in Astronomie and Physicke, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Identifier: COL00057, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Personal-Name: Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-11, Keyword-3: Astrology
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/K3.1 Edmund Langdon and his World.pdf
X2.6 LSR Hastings 1332.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Muster, Location: East Sussex, Language: ENG, Genre: Digital copy, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Identifier: COL00131, Keyword-1: X2.10, Keyword-4: Manors, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Keyword-2: 1446, Description: Muster list Hastings Rape 1446, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Out of Copyright, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Title: Muster Roll of the Rape of Hastings 1446, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Information, Holding-Institution: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.6 LSR Hastings 1332.pdf
F1.1 Christianity and 1066.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Christianity and 1066, Type: Text, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-1: F1.1, Genre: Direct digital article, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Keyword-2: Christianity, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Religion, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Battle,Normandy, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Conquest, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Description: How Christianity may or may not have influenced the outcome of 1066, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-3: 1066, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00029
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F1.1 Christianity and 1066.pdf
X2.1 Battle Abbey Rentals - Names.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Identifier: COL00122, Keyword-6: Messuages, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Information, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Keyword-7: Chronicle, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Names from the Rentals of Battle Abbey about 1102-1115, Keyword-4: 1102, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Out of Copyright, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-5: 1115, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: Battle Abbey Rentals 1102-1115, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: Battle-Abbey, Keyword-1: X2.1, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Location: Battle, Keyword-2: Rentals
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.1 Battle Abbey Rentals - Names.pdf
R5.1 Early Eastern Sussex to 410.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-3: pre 410, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Description: An overview of the very early history of Eastern Sussex, Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Location: East Sussex, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Identifier: COL00102, Topic: East Sussex,Early history, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-1: R5.1, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Eastern Sussex, Type: Text, Time-Period: Ancient History, Title: Early Eastern Sussex to 410
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R5.1 Early Eastern Sussex to 410.pdf
A2.2 Sons of Sussex and Wessex Harold Godwinson and the Godwins 1001-1094.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Sons of Sussex and Wessex: Harold Godwinson and the Godwins 1001-1094, Keyword-6: Sussex, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,George Kiloh, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Pre-Norman,Middle Ages, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Location: Southern England, Keyword-1: A2.2, Identifier: COL00003, Topic: Harold Godwinson,Godwins,England,Normandy, Description: An overview of the history of the Godwin family and Hariold Godwinson, Keyword-7: Wessex, Keyword-5: Godwinson, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-2: Godwin, Genre: Direct digital article, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Anglo-Saxons, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Keyword-4: Conquest, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Type: Text
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A2.2 Sons of Sussex and Wessex Harold Godwinson and the Godwins 1001-1094.pdf
H1.1 Members of Parliament who have covered Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Parliament, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Title: Members of Parliament who have covered Battle and District, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-2: MP, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-04, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Middle Ages,Ealy Modern, Age of Revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-4: Parliament, Keyword-1: H1.1, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-3: Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Type: Text, Identifier: COL00043, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: An encyclopaedic listing of local MPs going back to the earliest parliament
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/H1.1 Members of Parliament who have covered Battle.pdf
F4.2 Thomas Pilcher, Battle born Martyr.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: Martyr, Title: Thomas Pilcher, Battle born martyr, Keyword-3: Catholicism, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-2: Pilcher, Description: Sad story of a young Catholic from Battle who was brutally martyred in Dorset, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Personal-Name: Neil Clepahe-Cameron,Keith Foord, Keyword-1: F4.2, Type: Text, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Language: ENG, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Religion,Catholic, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Identifier: COL00041, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Early Modern, Location: Battle,Dorchester, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F4.2 Thomas Pilcher, Battle born Martyr.pdf
R4.1 Some Books on the Norman Invasion and the Battle of Hastings v2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Time-Period: Pre-Norman,Middle Ages, Identifier: COL00099, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: East Sussex,England,Normandy, Date-Created-Original: 2019-01, Keyword-1: R4.1, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Links, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-2: Books, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,Neil Clephane-Cameron, Topic: Information, Title: Some Books and LInks for the Norman Invasion and the Battle of Hastings, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-4: Conquest, Description: A list of books related to '1066', Type: Text, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-01
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R4.1 Some Books on the Norman Invasion and the Battle of Hastings v2.pdf
A3.3 Early Religious Institutions of eastern Sussex.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-1: A3.3, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Description: A simple listing of early priories, hospitals, colleges and abbeys in eastern Sussex, Topic: Religion,East Sussex, Keyword-4: Priories, Type: Text, Location: East Sussex, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00009, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Keyword-2: Eastern Sussex, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Early Religious Instututions of eastern Sussex, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-3: Abbeys
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A3.3 Early Religious Institutions of eastern Sussex.pdf
O2.3 Isaac Ingall - a very old man.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Date-Issued-Published: 2016-04, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle Abbey, Identifier: COL00091, Keyword-2: Ingall, Title: Isaac Ingall - a very old man, Date-Created-Original: 2016-04, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: Websters, Description: Ingall was interesting for being very old. His origins are a mystery but have been analysed, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: O2.3, Genre: Direct digital article, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Topic: Manors, Personal-Name: George Kiloh,Keith Foord, Location: Battle, Digital-Origin: Original digital
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O2.3 Isaac Ingall - a very old man.pdf
O1.5 The Carters and Lamberts of Telham Court.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-5: Glengorse, Keyword-4: Lambert, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Title: The Carters and Lamberts of Telham Court, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Battle, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Date-Created-Original: 2016-12, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-2: Telham Court, Description: An account of a large country house and its families, Date-Issued-Published: 2016-12, Topic: Manors, Keyword-3: Carter, Keyword-1: O1.5, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Identifier: COL00084, Type: Text
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.5 The Carters and Lamberts of Telham Court.pdf
P2.1 Inns of Battle Telham and Netherfield.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Description: A tour of past and present Inns of Battle Telham and Netherfield, Time-Period: Early Modern Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-1: P2.1, Topic: Inns, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: original digital, Date-Issued-Published: 05 2017 revised 09 2021, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: Direct digital article, Date-Created-Original: 05 2017, Keyword-4: Telham, Type: Text, Location: Battle Netherfield Telham, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-3: Battle, Keyword-5: Netherfield, Language: ENG, Title: Inns of Battle Telham and Netherfield
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/P2.1 Inns of Battle Telham and Netherfield.pdf
F2.2 The Church of the Ascension, Telham.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Type: Text, Keyword-2: Ascension, Keyword-3: Telham, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-4: Anglicanism, Description: A 'chapel of ease' funded by Dean Crake of St Marys to try to confound the rise of non-conformity, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: F2.2, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Identifier: COL00031, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Title: The Church of the Ascension, Telham, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Language: ENG, Location: Telham, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: Religion
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F2.2 The Church of the Ascension, Telham.pdf
H4.2 Guy Hayler - Alcohol Abolitionist.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Description: Born at Battle, a long-time campaigner, Type: Text, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: War, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Alcohol, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Topic: Reform, Date-Created-Original: 2016-04, Title: Guy Hayler - prominent alcohol abolitionist, Keyword-1: H4.2, Keyword-2: Hayler, Language: ENG, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Issued-Published: 2016-05, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Identifier: COL00046, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: Battle, Rights: Copyright BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/H4.2 Guy Hayler - Alcohol Abolitionist.pdf
O3.4 Langton House.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Type: text, Keyword-14: Rural District Council, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: Jan-22, Digital-Origin: original digital, Rights: copyright, Keyword-13: Ticehurst, Keyword-11: Roberts, Keyword-10: Barton, Keyword-9: Hammond, Keyword-6: Hay, Keyword-2: Weeks, Genre: article, Keyword-4: Gott, Keyword-15: Rowe, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: Jan-22, Topic: The history of Langton House, Keyword-5: Weston, Time-Period: Early Modern Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-12: Memorial Hall Poorhouse, Language: ENG, Keyword-1: Sackville, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Description: A history of Langton House, Keyword-7: Langton, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-8: Forster, Title: Langton House, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-3: Cushman, Organisational-Name: BDHS
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O3.4 Langton House.pdf
X2.8 Sussex men at Agincourt.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Genre: Digital copy, Topic: Information, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-3: Tenants, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Keyword-5: Hastings-Rape, Title: List of Major Tenants in the Rape of Hastings 1475, Keyword-2: 1475, Keyword-1: X2.12, Description: Major tenants Hastings Rape 1475, Rights: Out of Copyright, Identifier: COL00133, Keyword-4: Major, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.8 Sussex men at Agincourt.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Identifier: COL00115, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-4: Bicycle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Vicarys, Language: ENG, Keyword-6: Coachbuilder, Keyword-1: S1.3, Keyword-7: Car dealer, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2019-03, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Title: Vicarys and the Seymour Family, Location: Battle, Topic: Family history, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-8: Davis, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: About Vicarys car showroom and car repair workshop and the Seymour family, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-03, Keyword-9: Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-2: Seymour, Keyword-5: Motor Engineer, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Digital-Format: .pdf
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/S1.3 VICARYS AND THE SEYMOUR FAMILY.pdf
Any Questions 3 1965.01.29.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: BDHS, Keyword-15: gleanings of a native, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-8: industry, Keyword-13: newbery jam, Genre: paper records, Digital-Origin: Scan, Keyword-5: bonfire, Location: Battle, Type: Text, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: pdf, Keyword-7: battlejack, Keyword-14: felons field, Keyword-3: ghosts, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-6: fireworks, Date-Issued-Published: Feb-24, Keyword-1: Questions, Holding-Institution: BMoLH, Time-Period: Late Modern, Keyword-10: market carpark, Collection-Description: Transcript of verbatim notes from an Any Questions quiz hosted by the BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 29/01/1965 00:00:00, Keyword-12: pond, Keyword-4: haunted, Keyword-9: gloves, Keyword-11: christmas field, Keyword-2: mount street, Description: Question and answer session relating to subjects of local historical interest
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/Any Questions 3 1965.01.29.pdf
C10.1 Historical Salt Production in East Sussex.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: extraction, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-14: Ruckinge Pett Level, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Created-Original: Dec-21, Keyword-11: Battle Abbey, Keyword-3: cooking, Time-Period: Ancient History Middle Ages, Keyword-5: pan, Type: text, Keyword-9: Saltern, Personal-Name: David Alderton, Genre: article, Keyword-8: Camber, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Salt Production, Description: Salt Production in Sussex Anglo Saxon to Medieval Age, Keyword-1: Salt, Keyword-2: presevation, Keyword-12: Winchelsea, Keyword-7: Rye, Digital-Origin: original digital, Title: Historical Salt Production in East Sussex, Keyword-6: Pevensey Levels, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: Jan-22, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-13: Dymchurch, Language: ENG, Rights: copyright, Keyword-10: Rameslie
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C10.1 Historical Salt Production in East Sussex.pdf
J1.1 Battle at War (mainly post 1538).pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-5: Boer War, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: War, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: An overview of how Battle reacted militarily to wars down the ages, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Topic: War,Battle, Title: Battle at War (covers post 1066 period, but mainly post 1538), Identifier: COL00048, Keyword-1: J1.1, Keyword-4: World War 2, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Personal-Name: Neil Clephane-Cameron,George Kiloh, Keyword-7: Napoleonic war, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Keyword-6: Barracks, Keyword-2: Battle, Location: Battle
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J1.1 Battle at War (mainly post 1538).pdf
A1.1 A Timeline of dates of interest to Battle and eastern Sussex to 1538.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: East Sussex, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: Information, Keyword-3: to 1538, Time-Period: Ancient History,Pre-Norman, Middle Ages,Early Modern, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-5: E Sussex, Keyword-2: Timeline, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-1: A1.1, Description: Key dates for Battle and eastern Sussex until the Reformation, Title: A Timeline of dates of interest to Battle and eastern Sussex to 1538, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Battle, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,Neil Clephane-Cameron, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Identifier: COL00001, Language: ENG, Date-Created-Original: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A1.1 A Timeline of dates of interest to Battle and eastern Sussex to 1538.pdf
L3.1 Sheridan.v2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Resource-Owner: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-6: Jerome, Identifier: COL00061, Language: ENG, Genre: Direct digital article, Type: Text, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-4: Sculpture, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-5: Frewen, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Location: Brede,Russia,Ireland,Hastings, Keyword-1: L3.1, Topic: Sculpture,Travel, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Russia, Keyword-2: Brede Place, Keyword-7: Sheridan, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Title: Clare Sheridan, Date-Created-Original: 2019-01, Description: A synopsis of the life of Chare Sheridan, Sculptress
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/L3.1 Sheridan.v2.pdf
X1.4 The Princesse de Lamballe.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-4: Jewellery, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Miscellaneous, Description: Woman who met a grisly death in revolutionary Paris, and a Catsfield legend - or myth?, Title: The Princesse de Lamballe, Keyword-2: Lamballe, Keyword-3: France, Keyword-1: X1.4, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Location: Catsfield,France, Keyword-5: Catsfield, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Identifier: COL00108, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Date-Created-Original: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X1.4 The Princesse de Lamballe.pdf
A4.2 Eastern Sussex from 900 to the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-4: Kings, Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Type: Text, Keyword-1: A4.2, Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: 900-1066, Title: Eastern Sussex from 900 to the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: East Sussex, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: Some history of eastern Sussex between 900 and 1066, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Identifier: COL00012, Keyword-2: Eastern Sussex, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,George Kiloh, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Kings,East Sussex
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.2 Eastern Sussex from 900 to the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066.pdf
F4.1 The history of Battle Catholic Church.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-2: Catholicism, Location: Battle,Ashburnham, Genre: Direct digital article, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: The History of Battle's Catholic Church of Our Lady Immaculate and St Michael, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Topic: Religion,Catholic, Identifier: COL00040, Language: ENG, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-4: Ashburnham, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: F4.1, Description: A factual look at Catholicism's return to Battle, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F4.1 The history of Battle Catholic Church.pdf
O1.12 The Ronalds Carter Family in 19th Century Batlee.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-1: O1.12, Date-Created-Original: 2018-04, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Description: Ronalds Carter family, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Inventor, Keyword-6: Carter, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-5: Telham Court, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Topic: Family history, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-04, Location: Battle, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-8: Glengorse, Genre: Direct digital article, Personal-Name: Beverley Ronalds, Type: Text, Keyword-4: Telegraph, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Title: The Ronalds-Carter Family in 19th Century Battle, Identifier: COL00080, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-7: Lambert, Keyword-2: Ronalds
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.12 The Ronalds Carter Family in 19th Century Batlee.pdf
Any Questions 1 1953.01.23.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: authors, Keyword-13: doss house, Rights: BDHS, Keyword-11: spittal hill, Holding-Institution: BMoLH, Date-Created-Original: 23/01/1953 00:00:00, Language: ENG, Description: Question and answer session relating to subjects of local historical interest, Keyword-12: workhouse, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-14: lock up, Keyword-3: writers, Keyword-8: rose hill, Location: Battle, Keyword-1: Questions, Date-Issued-Published: Feb-24, Keyword-7: telham court, Type: Text, Keyword-4: public houses, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: paper records, Keyword-9: starrs green, Time-Period: Late Modern, Keyword-15: telephone exchange, Keyword-6: solicitors, Digital-Format: pdf, Keyword-5: battle abbey, Collection-Description: Transcript of verbatim notes from an Any Questions quiz hosted by the BDHS, Keyword-10: battle hill, Digital-Origin: Scan
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/Any Questions 1 1953.01.23.pdf
A2.3 William the Bastard in Normandy c.1028 – 28 September 1066 and some English connections.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Description: Some background to William the Conqueror's life in Normandy before 1066, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: William I,Normandy,England, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Digital-Format: .pdf, Identifier: COL00004, Keyword-2: Normandy, Keyword-3: William I, Keyword-1: A2.3, Type: Text, Location: England,Normandy, Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Title: William the Bastard in Normandy c.1028 ? 28 September 1066 and some English connections, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A2.3 William the Bastard in Normandy c.1028 – 28 September 1066 and some English connections.pdf
X1.2 Edward the Confessor, the Godwins and his search for an heir.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-2: Edward the Confessor, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Type: Text, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-1: X1.2, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Godwins, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Identifier: COL00106, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Location: England,,Sussex,England,Hungary,Normandy, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Language: ENG, Description: Last of a blood line of English kings seeks an heir but has problems with the Godwin family, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Title: Edward the Confessor, his relationships with the Godwins and his search for an Heir, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: Kings
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X1.2 Edward the Confessor, the Godwins and his search for an heir.pdf
F2.4 Accepted Frewen.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-7: Cromwell, Keyword-3: Archbishop of York, Topic: Biography of Accepted Frewen, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Early Modern Age of Revolution, Keyword-1: 2.4, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-5: Magdalen College Oxford, Description: A biography of Accepted Frewen, of Northiam, who became Archbishop of York, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: Digital original, Date-Issued-Published: 2023 05, Keyword-4: Northiam, Keyword-2: Accepted Frewen, Keyword-6: Charles I, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Location: York, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Title: Archbishop Accepted Frewen of York, Keyword-8: Lichfield Cathedral, Date-Created-Original: 2022 05, Type: Text, Collection-Title: Collectanea
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F2.4 Accepted Frewen.pdf
H1.2 All MPs for eastern Sussex to 1538.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Location: East Sussex, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keith Foord, Identifier: COL00121, Keyword-4: Hastings, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: Lists of MPs Elected in eastern Sussex 1334 ? 1538, for the Sussex county constituency and the Cinque Ports borough constituencies of Hastings, Rye and Winchelsea, Keyword-3: MP, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Early Modern, Keyword-1: H1.2, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: Sussex, Keyword-6: Winchelsea, Keyword-5: Rye, Description: MPs for Eastern Sussex to 1538, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-7: 1334-1538, Genre: Direct digital article, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Topic: Information
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/H1.2 All MPs for eastern Sussex to 1538.pdf
R1.1 Col. Charles H Lemmon.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Title: Col. Charles H Lemmon, DSO - Author and Past President 1963-1973 of BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Keyword-2: Lemmon, Keyword-1: R1.1, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Identifier: COL00094, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Topic: Writer, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Type: Text, Location: Battle, Personal-Name: Neil Clephane-Cameron, Keyword-3: Battle, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: Charles Lemmon wrote extensively about the Battle of Hastings and other military events, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Digital-Origin: Original digital
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R1.1 Col. Charles H Lemmon.pdf
A2.4 How, when and where – William’s landing in 1066.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Topic: William I,Norman Conquest, Identifier: COL00005, Keyword-2: William I, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Description: Analysis of 1066 landing places using Channel sailing conditions and historic geography, Location: Pevensey,Hastings, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Conquest, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Title: How, when and where ? William?s landing in 1066, Keyword-1: A2.4, Keyword-3: Pevensey, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Personal-Name: Keith Foord
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A2.4 How, when and where – William’s landing in 1066.pdf
L2.2 Frederick Thatcher.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Architect, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-1: L2.2, Description: Mini-biography of the architect of the Battle Poor Union house, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: London,Battle, New Zealand, Topic: Architect, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Title: Frederick Thatcher, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: New Zealand, Type: Text, Identifier: COL00060, Keyword-2: Thatcher, Genre: Direct digital article
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/L2.2 Frederick Thatcher.pdf
O1.14 Brightling-Fullers v2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-10: Follies, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-8: Royal Society, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Keyword-3: Capability Brown, Location: Brightling, Date-Created-Original: 2019-02, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-9: Turner, Identifier: COL00114, Keyword-7: Repton, Humphrey, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Bodiam Castle, Description: The history of Brightling Park with some discussion of Jack Fuller and the Fuller family, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Language: ENG, Topic: Family History, Manors, Title: Brightling and the Fullers, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-1: O1.14, Keyword-11: Rose Hill, Keyword-5: Grissell family, Keyword-4: Fuller family, Keyword-6: Jamaica, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.14 Brightling-Fullers v2.pdf
A4.6 Eastern Sussex 1327-1461, from Edward III to Henry VI’s deposition .pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Location: East Sussex, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Identifier: COL00016, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Genre: Direct digital article, Title: Eastern Sussex 1327-1461, from Edward III to Henry VI's deposition, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: Kings, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: A4.6, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Description: Local influences on and visits to eastern Sussex by kings between 1327 and 1461, Topic: Kings,East Sussex, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Keyword-2: Eastern Sussex, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-3: 1327-1461, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Date-Issued-Published: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.6 Eastern Sussex 1327-1461, from Edward III to Henry VI’s deposition .pdf
Any Questions 2 1964.01.24.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-12: asten stream, Keyword-3: personalities, Keyword-8: sussex rifle volunteers, Keyword-15: abbey green, Type: Text, Keyword-14: riot, Holding-Institution: BMoLH, Keyword-5: royal visits, Digital-Origin: Scan, Date-Created-Original: 24/01/1964 00:00:00, Language: ENG, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: pdf, Keyword-7: army, Keyword-10: jail, Description: Question and answer session relating to subjects of local historical interest, Collection-Description: Transcript of verbatim notes from an Any Questions quiz hosted by the BDHS, Keyword-1: Questions, Time-Period: Late Modern, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-13: charter fair, Keyword-11: drill hall, Keyword-6: barracks, Keyword-2: road names, Location: Battle, Rights: BDHS, Keyword-9: gaol, Keyword-4: characters, Genre: paper records, Date-Issued-Published: Feb-24
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/Any Questions 2 1964.01.24.pdf
A3.2 Where did the monks of Marmoutier first try to build Battle Abbey .pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Where did the monks of Marmoutier first try to build Battle Abbey?, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-3: Marmoutier, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Type: Text, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Abbots, William I, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: A3.2, Identifier: COL00008, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Location: Battle, Description: The monks of Marmoutier tried building Battle Abbey on a site not chosen by William., Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: Battle Abbey, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A3.2 Where did the monks of Marmoutier first try to build Battle Abbey .pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-04, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-2: Physicians, Language: ENG, Title: The physicians of Battle to 1945, Identifier: COL00025, Keyword-4: Surgeons, Genre: Direct digital article, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Type: Text, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Medicine, Keyword-1: D1.1, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-5: Doctors, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle, Description: Who practised medicine Battle town before 1945?, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: Battle
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/D1.1 THE PHYSICIANS OF BATTLEv2.pdf
O1.7 Two Years in the Life of Philip Pappilon.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Location: Crowhurst, Keyword-1: O1.7, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Crowhurst Park, Identifier: COL00086, Keyword-2: Papillon, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: Manors, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Personal-Name: Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Date-Created-Original: 2018-01, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Type: Text, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: Wheeler-dealing by the family later at Crowhurst Park. From a lucky finding of a book about to be burnt, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: Two Years in the Life of Philip Papillon, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-01, Resource-Owner: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.7 Two Years in the Life of Philip Pappilon.pdf
X1.5 The changing British interpretations of the effects of the Norman Conquest since 1066.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Normandy, Keyword-1: X1.5, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Type: Text, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: A discussion document charting how the Norman Conquest has been viewed in Britan from 1066 to 2018, Identifier: COL00109, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Miscellaneous,Norman Conquest, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-06, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-5: Victorians, Title: The changing British interpretations of the effects of the Norman Conquest since 1066, Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Conquest, Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Location: England,Great Britain, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-4: Whigs, Date-Created-Original: 2018-06
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X1.5 The changing British interpretations of the effects of the Norman Conquest since 1066.pdf
A4.5 King Edward I and Edward II, Battle and Eastern Sussex 1272-1327.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Description: Local influences on and visits to eastern Sussex by kings between 1272 and 1327, Digital-Format: .pdf, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Identifier: COL00015, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-1: A4.5, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-4: Kings, Topic: Kings,East Sussex, Keyword-2: Battle, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-5: 1272-1327, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-3: E Sussex, Title: Kings Edward I and Edward II, Battle and eastern Sussex 1272-1327
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.5 King Edward I and Edward II, Battle and Eastern Sussex 1272-1327.pdf
A4.3 Did William the Conqueror ever re-visit Battle or eastern Sussex.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Description: An interesting look at the travels of King William I after 1066 and until his death, Location: East Sussex, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-2: Battle, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: E Sussex, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Type: Text, Keyword-4: William I, Title: Did William the Conqueror ever revisit Battle or eastern Sussex?, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Identifier: COL00013, Keyword-1: A4.3, Time-Period: Middle ages, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: William I, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-08, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.3 Did William the Conqueror ever re-visit Battle or eastern Sussex.pdf
C7.1 gunpowderv2 COL00117.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Issued-Published: 2019-06, Title: Gunpowder at Battle Sedlescombe and Brede, Keyword-4: Gilmore, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-14: Battle, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-9: Powdermill, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-11: Sedlescombe, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-10: Mills, Keyword-12: Brede, Keyword-13: Crowhurst, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00117, Keyword-5: Laurence, Keyword-7: Gunpowder, Keyword-8: Explosions, Location: Battle, Crowhurst, Sedlescombe, Brede, Keyword-6: Pepperingeye, Date-Created-Original: 2019-05, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Topic: Gunpowder, Keyword-3: Defoe, Keyword-1: C7.1, Keyword-2: Asten, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: The history of Gunpowder making, Time-Period: Age of Revolution
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C7.1 gunpowderv2 COL00117.pdf
E2.1 Cresy Report original.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-1: E2.1, Time-Period: Late Modern, Identifier: COL00027, Keyword-4: Sewers, Location: Battle, Genre: Digital copy, Keyword-5: Drains, Topic: Local Government, Type: Digital copy, Date-Created-Original: 1850-12, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Out of copyright, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Collection-Description: Copy of out of copyright paper, Holding-Institution: Not available, Description: Sewerage drainage water supply and sanitary condions in Battle in 1850, Resource-Owner: Not available, Keyword-6: Water supply, Keyword-2: Battle, Personal-Name: Edward Cresy, Digital-Origin: Internet, Organisational-Name: Not available, Language: ENG, Keyword-7: Sanitation, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-8: Graveyards, Title: The Cresy Report, Keyword-3: Cresy
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/E2.1 Cresy Report original.pdf
J4.5 WHATLINGTON FAMILY 1945 COL00140 [13351].pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2020-05, Keyword-3: Norman Moore, Date-Issued-Published: 2020-06, Keyword-5: Home Guard, Personal-Name: Charlotte Moore, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Keyword-4: Richard Moore, Keyword-1: doodlebugs, Topic: War, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Genre: article, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Rights: Copyright Charlotte Moore, Description: A family's record of the last year of WW2 in Whatlington, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Keyword-6: J4.5, Time-Period: Late Modern, Location: Whatlington, Title: A Whatlington Family in 1945, Keyword-2: Alan Moore
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J4.5 WHATLINGTON FAMILY 1945 COL00140 [13351].pdf
R4.2a v2 Companion Rolls of the Conquest v2 .pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Genealogy,Norman Conquest, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-5: Battle Abbey, Date-Created-Original: 2019-01, Identifier: COL00100, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: Companion Rolls, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-4: Anglo-Norman, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Type: Text, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-8: Rolls, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-6: Falaise, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: England,Normandy, Keyword-7: Dives, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Norman Conquest, Keyword-1: R4.2a, Description: Analysis of the various 'Companions of William' Rolls and a discussion of their Genealogcal value, Language: ENG, Title: A Critique and Comparison of ?Companion Rolls of the Conquest?, some known as ?Battle Abbey Rolls?
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R4.2a v2 Companion Rolls of the Conquest v2 .pdf
F2.1 A Short History of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Anglican, Type: Text, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Title: A Short History of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: The founding of St. Marys church in Battle and its history, Keyword-1: F2.1, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: Religion, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Identifier: COL00030, Location: Battle, Keyword-2: St Marys, Personal-Name: Keith Foord
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F2.1 A Short History of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Battle.pdf
R3.3 Markets and Bull Baiting in Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Keyword-2: Markets, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-01, Personal-Name: Georgina Doherty, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle, Language: ENG, Date-Created-Original: 2017-10, Genre: Direct digital article, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-1: R3.3, Keyword-4: Bull baiting, Topic: Markets,Battle, Description: A brief history of the various markets held in Battle and of bull-baiting, Identifier: COL00097, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Location: Battle, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Title: Markets and Bull-Baiting in Battle
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R3.3 Markets and Bull Baiting in Battle.pdf
J4.4 Cripps Corner Tank Traps COL00139 [13355].pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: J4.4, Description: Cripp's Corner’s hedgerows hide the finest surviving example of a World War Two Stop Line, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Location: Cripp's Corner, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Date-Issued-Published: 2020-06, Keyword-3: Home Guard, Keyword-1: stop line, Title: The Dragon's Teeth of Cripp's Corner, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Personal-Name: Hugh Willing, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Rights: Copyright Hugh Willing, Topic: War, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Genre: article, Date-Created-Original: 2020-05, Keyword-2: tank traps
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J4.4 Cripps Corner Tank Traps COL00139 [13355].pdf
R4.2b v3 Appendixes for Paper R4.2a.xlsx
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Digital-Format: .xlsx, Keyword-8: Rolls, Keyword-6: Falaise, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: Anglo-Norman, Genre: Direct digital spreadsheet, Date-Created-Original: 2019-01, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00101, Keyword-7: Dives, Type: Datasheet, Topic: Genealogy,Norman Conquest, Keyword-2: Companion Rolls, Keyword-1: R4.2b, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-5: Battle Abbey, Description: Analysis of data from the various 'Companions of William' Rolls, Keyword-3: Norman Conquest, Title: Data underlying the 'Companion Rolls of the Conquest' paper R4.2a, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-01, Location: England,Normandy
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R4.2b v3 Appendixes for Paper R4.2a.xlsx
M1.11 Reginald Pound, Journalist and Biographer.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-2: Pound, Type: Text, Keyword-1: M1.11, Topic: Writer, Keyword-4: Whatlington, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Title: Reginald Pound, journalist and biographer, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Location: Whatlington, Keyword-3: Journalist, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: Well-known journalist from Whatlington, Identifier: COL00064, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Date-Issued-Published: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.11 Reginald Pound, Journalist and Biographer.pdf
J3.1 Edmund Blunden, Frank Hoad and Frank Worley.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: Worley, Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: Hoad's death on the Somme in 1916 and his comrade Worley, recorded by the poet Blunden, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Keyword-5: World War I, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-1: J3.1, Digital-Format: .pdf, Identifier: COL00051, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: War,Battle, Type: Text, Keyword-2: Blunden, Keyword-3: Hoad, Time-Period: Late Modern, Title: Edmund Blunden, Frank Hoad and Frank Worley, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-6: Somme, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-08, Location: Battle
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J3.1 Edmund Blunden, Frank Hoad and Frank Worley.pdf
A4.4 1066-1272 Eastern Sussex under the Norman and Angevin kings of England.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: 1066-1272, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-3: Kings, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Identifier: COL00014, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: Local influences on and visits to eastern Sussex by kings between 1066 and 1272, Keyword-2: Eastern Sussex, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Topic: East Sussex,Kings, Keyword-1: A4.4, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Type: Text, Title: 1066-1272 Eastern Sussex under the Norman and Angevin kings of England, Collection-Title: Collectanea
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.4 1066-1272 Eastern Sussex under the Norman and Angevin kings of England.pdf
O2.1 The Duke and Duchess of Cleveland at Battle Abbey.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: Battle, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle Abbey, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00089, Keyword-4: Rosebery, Title: The Duke and Duchess of Cleveland, Keyword-1: O2.1, Type: Text, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Keyword-2: Cleveland, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: Direct digital article, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Topic: Manors, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Description: Owners of the Battle Abbey estate for some 45 years, between Webster ownerships
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O2.1 The Duke and Duchess of Cleveland at Battle Abbey.pdf
X2.12 Major Tenants Rape of Hastings 1475.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Middle Ages, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-1: X2.4, Language: ENG, Title: Lay Subsidy Roll for the Rape of Hastings 1296, Keyword-5: Townships, Keyword-4: Taxes, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Topic: Information, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: Local Taxes in Hastings Rape 1296, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-6: Villata, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Out of Copyright, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Identifier: COL00125, Keyword-2: 1296, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-3: Hundreds
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.12 Major Tenants Rape of Hastings 1475.pdf
O2.2 Henry Vassall Webster.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Resource-Owner: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Description: Unsung hero of Byron's poem'The eve of Waterloo', Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Location: Battle,Waterloo, Identifier: COL00090, Type: Text, Topic: War, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle Abbey, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-4: Waterloo, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: Henry Vassall Webster of the Abbey family, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-1: O2.2, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Keyword-2: Webster
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O2.2 Henry Vassall Webster.pdf
S1.1 TICEHURSTv2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Topic: Family history, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-2: Battle, Identifier: COL00104, Location: Battle, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Moder,Contemporary, Keyword-4: Napoleonic wars, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-1: S1.1, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-3: Printer, Title: The Ticehurst family, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: A remarkable local family, mainly ninetweenth century, Type: Text, Keyword-5: Ticehurst, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Language: ENG, Date-Created-Original: 2018
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/S1.1 TICEHURSTv2.pdf
M1.4 warwick deeping, Novelist.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Warwick Deeping, Novelist, Digital-Format: .pdf, Location: Battle, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: Prolific writer of the early twentieth century, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-1: M1.4, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Topic: Writer, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-3: Author, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Identifier: COL00068, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Keyword-2: Deeping, Genre: Direct digital article, Rights: Copyright BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.4 warwick deeping, Novelist.pdf
O1.4 Brede Place its History and Families.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-1: O1.4, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: An old manor house, Brede Place and its families has an interesting history from the 1300s onwards, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-7: Brede, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-5: Crane, Title: Brede Place, its History and Families, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-11, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-2: Brede Place, Date-Created-Original: 2017-11, Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Keyword-3: Oxenbridge, Identifier: COL00083, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: atte Ford, Keyword-6: Frewen, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,George Kiloh, Location: Brede, Type: Text, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Topic: Manors
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.4 Brede Place its History and Families.pdf
O1.2 BEAUPORTv2 (updated 2018-03-20).pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Issued-Published: 2018-03, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: O1.2, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00081, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Telham, Keyword-2: Beauport, Genre: Direct digital article, Title: Beauport, Description: The history of Beauport Place, first developed by James Murray of Quebec fame, Language: ENG, Type: Text, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Topic: Manors, Keyword-4: Lamb, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Murray, Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Organisational-Name: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.2 BEAUPORTv2 (updated 2018-03-20).pdf
X2.4 LSR Hastings 1296.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Out of Copyright, Keyword-1: X2.8, Title: Sussex Men at Agincourt 1415, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Keyword-6: Fiennes, Genre: Digital copy, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Description: Sussex men at Agincourt, Topic: Information, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-5: Hoo, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: Agincourt, Keyword-2: 1415, Location: Sussex, Keyword-4: Camoys, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Identifier: COL00129
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.4 LSR Hastings 1296.pdf
P1.1 Coronations 1838-1953.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-7: Elizabeth II, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-9: Recreation Ground, Date-Issued-Published: 2023 04, Keyword-14: Fireworks, Keyword-5: George V, Title: Coronations 1838 to 1953, Personal-Name: Georgina Doherty, Keyword-13: Old People's Tea, Type: Text, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: How coronations were celebrated in Battle from Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II, Keyword-8: Drill Hall, Keyword-2: Coronation, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG, Keyword-6: George VI, Keyword-1: P1.1, Digital-Origin: original, Keyword-3: Queen Victoria, Keyword-15: Procession, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-4: Edward VII, Topic: Coronation Celebrations, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Created-Original: 2023 03, Keyword-11: Sports, Keyword-12: Children's Tea, Keyword-10: St Mary, Time-Period: Late Modern Contempory, Genre: Direct digital
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/P1.1 Coronations 1838-1953.pdf
J4.3 Secret Defenders COL00138[13354].pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Created-Original: 2015, Personal-Name: Hugh Willing, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright Hugh Willing, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: covert, Description: About Bodiam Auxillary Unit, part of the British Resistance in WW2, Genre: article, Type: Text, Keyword-6: J4.3, Keyword-1: resistance, Topic: War, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-5: Home Guard, Location: Bodiam, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Title: The Secret defenders of Bodiam and the Sussex Coast, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: command-posts, Digital-Format: .pdf, Time-Period: Late Modern, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: sabotage
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J4.3 Secret Defenders COL00138[13354].pdf
B1.1 The London Road for BDHS.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Personal-Name: Peter Miles, Identifier: COL00018, Keyword-1: B1.1, Date-Created-Original: 2015, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-5: Mountfield, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Turnpike, Resource-Owner: Peter Miles, Location: Battle,Mountfield, Rights: Copyright Peter Miles, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-4: Battle, Title: The London Road, Keyword-2: A2100, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Topic: Roads, Type: Text, Description: A History of the A2100 - from turnpike to major road, Date-Issued-Published: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/B1.1 The London Road for BDHS.pdf
K1.1 Markwick rev3.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-6: Ornithology, Keyword-5: Gilbert White, Location: Catsfield, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Type: Text, Genre: Direct digital article, Title: William Markwick: ornithologist, marine biologist, botanist and phenologist 1739-1813, Keyword-9: Botany, Keyword-3: Catsfield, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Created-Original: 2018-12, Identifier: COL00055, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: Science,Ornithology,Phenology,Marine Biology,Botany, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-13, Keyword-2: Markwick, Keyword-1: K1.1, Keyword-4: Natural science, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: Markwick was a natural scientist who lived at Catsfield at the time of Gilbert White of Selborne, Keyword-10: Marine biology, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Keyword-8: Phenology, Keyword-7: Eversfield
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/K1.1 Markwick rev3.pdf
M1.6 Violet Fane, Poet, Author and Translator.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Once controversial author from Beauport, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-4: Beauport, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Location: Battle, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Time-Period: Late Modern, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-3: Author, Keyword-2: Fane, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Writer, Keyword-1: M1.6, Identifier: COL00070, Title: Violet Fane: poet, author and translator
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.6 Violet Fane, Poet, Author and Translator.pdf
F3.1 The History of Battle Non-Conformity 1696-1793.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Location: Battle, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-7: Methodist, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00034, Keyword-2: Non-conformity, Keyword-3: Battle, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: The History of Battle Non Conformity 1696-1793, Keyword-8: Congregationalist, Description: An in depth look at the rise of many strands of non-conformity in Battle, Keyword-5: Presbyterian, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Type: Text, Keyword-1: F3.1, Topic: Religion,Non-conformity, Keyword-6: Unitarian, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Early Modern,Age of Revolution, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG, Keyword-9: Universalism, Keyword-4: Baptist, Genre: Direct digital article
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F3.1 The History of Battle Non-Conformity 1696-1793.pdf
A4.7 Wars of the Roses Backwater to the Dissolution of eastern Sussex's abbeys 1461-1538v2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-4: E Sussex, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Identifier: COL00017, Digital-Format: .pdf, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-1: A4.7, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Title: Wars of the Roses backwater to the Dissolution of eastern Sussex's Abbeys 1461-1538, Description: The local influences of kings in the run up to the Reformation 1461-1538, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle, Language: ENG, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Early Modern, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Date-Created-Original: 2018, Type: Text, Keyword-2: 1461-1538, Topic: Kings,East Sussex,Religion
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.7 Wars of the Roses Backwater to the Dissolution of eastern Sussex's abbeys 1461-1538v2.pdf
O3.1 almonryhistoryv2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2016, Language: ENG, Topic: Manors, Time-Period: Early Modern,Age of revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-4: Farming, Description: The history of the 'Battle Almonry' which was never an almonry, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Battle, Title: The Battle Almonry, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-2: Almonry, Type: Text, Keyword-1: O3.1, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Identifier: COL00092, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Holding-Institution: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O3.1 almonryhistoryv2.pdf
H4.3 John Thomas Matthewson - Abolition of flogging in the Army and Navy.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Genre: Direct digital article, Title: John Thomas Matthewson - Abolition of flogging in the Army and Navy, Location: Battle, Keyword-1: H4.3, Identifier: COL00047, Topic: Reform, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Description: A Battle born soldier is influential in getting flogging abolished after observing a post-flogging death, Keyword-4: Army, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Personal-Name: Neil Clephane-Cameron, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Type: Text, Keyword-3: Flogging, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-2: Matthewson
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/H4.3 John Thomas Matthewson - Abolition of flogging in the Army and Navy.pdf
J4.2 Military deaths from the Battle District 1939-45 .pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00054, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Description: An in depth study of those from the district who lost their lives in the armed services during WW2, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: Military deaths from the Battle district 1939-45, Topic: War,Battle, Location: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: World War 2, Keyword-2: Deaths, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Time-Period: Late Modern, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-1: J4.2, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Collectanea
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J4.2 Military deaths from the Battle District 1939-45 .pdf
R5.2 Around Battle, but mainly Hastings from 900-1450.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Hastings, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Pre-Norman,Middle Ages, Description: The evolution of the Battle-Hastings area between 900 and 1450, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: 900-1450, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Type: Text, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-1: R5.2, Topic: East Sussex,Early history, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Identifier: COL00103, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: East Sussex, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Title: Around Battle, but mainly Hastings from 900-1450, Keyword-2: Eastern Sussex, Keyword-5: Fecamp
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R5.2 Around Battle, but mainly Hastings from 900-1450.pdf
D2.1 Smallpox in Eastern Sussex.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-5: Dr Thomas Frewen, Digital-Origin: Digital original, Keyword-4: inoculation, Keyword-3: vaccination, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Smallpox, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2023 05, Keyword-11: Battle, Keyword-12: Mortality, Keyword-9: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Location: Eastern Sussex, Keyword-13: Dr Edward Jenner, Keyword-2: smallpox, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Keyword-6: Dr Giles Watts, Keyword-10: Northiam, Language: ENG, Keyword-14: Vaccination Act 1840, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: A brief history of early atempts to eradicate smallpox in Eastern Sussex during the 18C, Keyword-8: Rev John Wesley, Title: Pox Sussexiensis Orientem, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-7: Cordelia Murrray, Date-Created-Original: 2022 05, Holding-Institution: BDHS
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/D2.1 Smallpox in Eastern Sussex.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2018, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-10: Africa, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Keyword-7: Middle-east, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Topic: War,Battle, Keyword-13: Post-Armistice, Keyword-11: At-sea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-12: In-the-air, Time-Period: Late Modern, Keyword-2: Western-front, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: Comprehensive listing of names of WW1 deaths, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Identifier: COL00120, Location: Battle, Crowhurst, Sedlescombe, Brede, Ashburnham, Brightling, Catsfield, Dallington, Ewhurst, Mountfield, Ninfield, Penhurst. Robertsbridge, Salehurst, Sedlescombe, Westfield, Whatlington, Keyword-1: J3.3, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-4: Greece, Keyword-9: India, Keyword-5: Mesopotamia, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Description: Comprehensive list of those killed in WW1 with associations to Battle and District, Keyword-3: Gallipoli
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J3.3 WORLD WAR ONE - DEATHS ASSOCIATED WITH BATTLE AND DISTRICT.pdf
O1.1 Ashburnham.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: Civil War, Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: Some history of Ashburham Place and the Earls of Ashburnham, Title: Ashburnham, Keyword-5: Interregnum, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Identifier: COL00077, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Ashburnham, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-2: Ashburnham, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-1: O1.1, Topic: Manors,Gardens, Keyword-3: Capability Brown, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2016
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.1 Ashburnham.pdf
C11.1 Medieval Stonemasons of Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Issued-Published: Nov-22, Personal-Name: David Alderton, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Language: ENG, Keyword-11: John of Battle, Keyword-2: Caerphilly Castle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Type: Text, Keyword-8: Master Mason, Topic: Stonemasons, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Cementarius, Location: Britain, Rights: BDHS, Title: Medieval Stonemason of Battle, Keyword-1: Battel Hall, Keyword-7: Leeds Kent, Date-Created-Original: Nov-22, Keyword-5: Edward the first, Description: Article on Medievl stonemasons with a connection to Battle, Digital-Origin: original, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-10: Vale Royal Abbey, Keyword-12: Thomas of Battle, Keyword-9: Stonemason, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-4: Despenser, Keyword-6: Eleanor Cross, Genre: paper records, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Digital-Format: .pdf
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C11.1 Medieval Stonemasons of Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: Clock and watchmaking, Keyword-2: Battle, Keyword-11: Aerial Electroscope, Language: ENG, Identifier: COL00119, Date-Created-Original: 2019-06, Personal-Name: Georgina Doherty, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-12: Electric clock, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-9: Pocket watch, Keyword-10: Galvanic clock, Type: Text, Location: Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-5: Church clock, Keyword-1: C9.1, Keyword-3: Watchmaker, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-06, Keyword-7: Longcase clock, Title: Battle's Clock and watchmakers, Topic: Religion, Keyword-8: Tills, Genre: Direct digital article, Time-Period: Early Modern, Age of revolution, Late Modern, Keyword-4: Clockmaker, Keyword-6: Lantern clock
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C9.1 CLOCK AND WATCHMAKERS OF BATTLE.pdf
F3.3 A short History of Battle Baptists from 1793.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Description: The founding of a Baptist church in Battle and its history, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-3: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Title: A short History of Battle Baptists from 1793, Identifier: COL00036, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Type: Text, Topic: Religion,Baptist, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: F3.3, Language: ENG, Location: Battle,Rye, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-2: Baptist
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F3.3 A short History of Battle Baptists from 1793.pdf
O1.8 Great Sanders - Sedlescombe.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-4: Adamson, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Time-Period: Early Modern,Age of revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-3: Tilden Smith, Keyword-1: O1.8, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Great Sanders, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Identifier: COL00087, Description: Large old house at Sedlescombe, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-6: Water, Keyword-2: Sedlescombe, Topic: Manors, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-5: School, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-03
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.8 Great Sanders - Sedlescombe.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Manors, Keyword-12: E H Burgess, Location: Brightling, Keyword-7: Hollingrove, Time-Period: Early Modern,Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-10: Alfred Lawley, Type: Text, Keyword-14: Englebert Humperdinck, Keyword-6: Hallaway, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-2: St. Leger, Date-Created-Original: 2019-02, Title: Socknersh Manor, Keyword-8: Fittlehurst farm, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Ashburnham, Identifier: COL00111, Keyword-4: Collins, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: O1.13, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-13: Tom Jones, Keyword-9: Cold Harbour Farm, Description: Socknersh Manor is a listed building of about 1620 in the parish of Brightling, Keyword-5: Lofft, Language: ENG, Keyword-11: Florence Cross
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.13 SOCKNERSH MANORv3.pdf
J4.1 World War 2 Civilian deaths from the Battle District.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: WW2 civilian deaths in and from the Battle district, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-3: Word War II, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-2: Battle, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-1: J4.1, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Created-Original: 2018, Type: Text, Location: Battle,Netherfield, Identifier: COL00053, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: War, Time-Period: Late Modern, Description: A comprehensive listing of civilian deaths in Battle District during WW2
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J4.1 World War 2 Civilian deaths from the Battle District.pdf
X2.2 Seals of Eu and Hastings Col.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Keyword-2: 1332, Rights: Out of Copyright, Topic: Information, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: East Sussex, Description: Local Taxes in Hastings Rape 1332, Keyword-4: Taxes, Keyword-3: Hundreds, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00127, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-1: X2.6, Title: Lay Subsidy Roll for the Rape of Hastings 1332, Keyword-5: Townships, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-6: Villata, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Genre: Direct digital article
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.2 Seals of Eu and Hastings Col.pdf
M1.9 Malcom Muggeridge, Journalist, Author and Broadcaster.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Description: Long-time resident of Whatlington, Battle and Robertsbridge, Keyword-9: Robertsbridge, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Title: Malcolm Muggeridge, journalist, author, broadcaster and campaigner, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-4: Author, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Location: Robertsbridge,Whatlington, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-3: Journalist, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-5: Religion, Keyword-1: M1.9, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Keyword-2: Pearson, Keyword-6: Soviet Union, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00073, Topic: Writer, Keyword-8: Whatlington
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.9 Malcom Muggeridge, Journalist, Author and Broadcaster.pdf
X1.3 Don Miguel, sometime King of Portugal.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Identifier: COL00107, Keyword-4: Napier, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-3: Portugal, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Don Miguel, sometime King of Portugal, Description: Don Miguel was a controversial king who came to live at Battle for a time after his deposition, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Type: Text, Keyword-2: Miguel, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Language: ENG, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Miscellaneous, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: X1.3, Date-Issued-Published: 2016-10, Date-Created-Original: 2016-10, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: Battle,Portugal
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X1.3 Don Miguel, sometime King of Portugal.pdf
X2.5 LSR Hastings 1327.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Middle Ages, Language: ENG, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-6: Pikemen, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Muster Roll of the Rape of Hastings 1339, Keyword-4: Bowmen, Topic: Information, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Digital copy, Keyword-5: Swordsmen, Rights: Out of Copyright, Keyword-9: Muster, Keyword-8: Stavemen, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: 1339, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Description: Muster Roll Hastings Rape 1339, Keyword-7: Polemen, Identifier: COL00130, Keyword-1: X2.9, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Keyword-3: Hobeliers, Location: East Sussex
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.5 LSR Hastings 1327.pdf
S1.2 ADEANEv2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-6: Jacob's Farm, Keyword-7: Sedlescombe, Keyword-9: Coldstream Guards, Keyword-5: Queen Victoria, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Keyword-1: S1.2, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Time-Period: Contemporary, Late Modern, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-4: King George VI, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-8: Ypres, first battle 1914, Title: The Adeane family, Location: London,Sedlescombe, Keyword-3: King George V, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Date-Created-Original: 2019-02, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-2: Charles,prince of Wales, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Identifier: COL00110, Topic: Family history, Description: Adeanes were private secretaries to kings and a queen and lived at Sedlescombe, Digital-Format: .pdf
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/S1.2 ADEANEv2.pdf
X2.13 LSR 1524.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Lay Subsidy Roll for the Rape of Hastings 1327, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: Information, Keyword-5: Townships, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: Local Taxes in Hastings Rape 1327, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-3: Hundreds, Keyword-4: Taxes, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Location: East Sussex, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Out of Copyright, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Keyword-2: 1327, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: X2.5, Keyword-6: Villata, Identifier: COL00126
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.13 LSR 1524.pdf
A3.6 Surrender of Battle Abbey COL00118.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2019-04, Keyword-6: Gage, Keyword-5: Henry VIII, Keyword-8: Seals, Keyword-11: Battle, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Identifier: COL00118, Genre: Direct digital article, Time-Period: Early Modern, Rights: Public Domain, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-7: Layton, Location: Battle, Keyword-9: Hammond, Keyword-3: Dissolution, Type: Text, Language: ENG, Keyword-10: Abbot, Keyword-1: A3.6, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-06, Description: The dissolution of Battle Abbey, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Title: The Surrender of Battle Abbey, Topic: Religion, Keyword-4: Pension, Keyword-2: Abbey, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A3.6 Surrender of Battle Abbey COL00118.pdf
O1.6 Rose Green.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Worge, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Language: ENG, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Title: Rose Green, Identifier: COL00085, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Topic: Manors, Keyword-1: O1.6, Keyword-4: Glengorse, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: Now-demolished large house on Battle Hill, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: Battle, Date-Created-Original: 2018, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-2: Rose Green
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.6 Rose Green.pdf
R3.4 CANADIA.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Farming, Keyword-2: Canada, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Farming, Date-Created-Original: 2018-10, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Description: Description of an attempt to recruit local farmers workers for Canad, leaving aresidual name, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-10, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-4: Rae, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Location: Battle,Canada, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-5: Canadia, Title: Canadia, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Language: ENG, Genre: Direct digital article, Identifier: COL00098, Time-Period: Late Modern, Keyword-1: R3.4, Digital-Origin: Original digital
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R3.4 CANADIA.pdf
M1.13 Elizabeth Jane Howard COL00141 [13352].pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2020-11, Keyword-2: Actress, Topic: Literary, Keyword-5: The Beacon, Personal-Name: Charlotte Moore, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Created-Original: 2020-11, Keyword-7: M1.13, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Location: Whatlington Battle London Staplecross, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-6: Peter Scott, Keyword-1: Home Place, Type: Text, Title: Elizabeth Jane Howard Writer, Language: ENG, Description: A short biography of the writer Elizabeth Jane Howard, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: article, Keyword-4: Cazalet, Keyword-3: Kingsley Amis
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.13 Elizabeth Jane Howard COL00141 [13352].pdf
A3.4 1493 Passport Parchment.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-2: Passport, Title: 1493 Passport setting out the Liberties of Battle Abbey and Inhabitants of Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Location: Battle, Type: Text, Keyword-3: Battle Abbey, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-03, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: Gina Doherty, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-1: A3.4, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Abbots,Battle, Keyword-5: Tovey, Time-Period: Early Modern, Description: Details of a parchment dated 1493 found in BDHS archives concerning the rights of citizens of Battle, Digital-Format: .pdf, Identifier: COL00010, Keyword-4: Parchment
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A3.4 1493 Passport Parchment.pdf
A3.1 Abbots of Battle 1070-1538 v2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Middle Ages,Early Modern, Description: From the first to the last abbot of Battle, with some histories odf specific abbots, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2016-02, Type: Text, Keyword-3: Battle Abbey, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Identifier: COL00007, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Location: Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: A3.1, Title: Abbots of Battle 1070-1538, Date-Created-Original: 2018-02, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Abbots,Battle, Keyword-2: Abbots, Organisational-Name: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A3.1 Abbots of Battle 1070-1538 v2.pdf
R4.2c The Companion Roll of William of Worcester v2[14225].pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-9: Le Talleur, Date-Issued-Published: Mar-21, Rights: Copyright, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: article, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: Mar-21, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: text, Title: The Companion Roll of William of Worcester, Keyword-12: Duchessne, Keyword-8: Auchinleck, Keyword-15: Annales Rerum Anglicarum, Keyword-4: Companion Rolls, Description: Comparison of Wm of Worcester Roll with other Companion Rolls, Digital-Origin: original digital, Keyword-1: Norman knights, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-13: Dives Alpha and de Magny, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-7: Wace, Keyword-10: Leland I and II, Topic: Comparison of Companion Rolls, Time-Period: MiddleAges Early Modern, Keyword-5: Black Book of the Exchequer, Keyword-11: Holinshed, Keyword-6: Duchess of Cleveland, Keyword-2: William the Conqueror, Keyword-14: Falaise, Keyword-3: Battle Abbey Roll
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R4.2c The Companion Roll of William of Worcester v2[14225].pdf
E4.1 The origins of Wellington Gardens.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-6: Rent Rates, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-7: Social Housing, Keyword-3: Fair Field, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-8: Webster Sinden Clements Tutt, Personal-Name: Georgina Doherty, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: copyright, Keyword-2: Cottage Garden Estate, Keyword-9: Callow and Callow, Language: ENG, Date-Issued-Published: Jan-22, Keyword-4: Lloyd George, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-12: Inter Allied and Town Planning Congress, Keyword-5: Addison Tudor Walters, Title: The Origins of Wellington Gardens, Time-Period: Late Modern, Genre: article, Keyword-14: Sewers Water Gas Electricity, Type: text, Topic: A history of a social housing development in Battle, Keyword-10: R Cook and Son, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-11: Homes Fit for Heroes, Keyword-1: Wellington Field, Description: The history of Wellington Gardens developed as a result of the Addison Acto to supply Homes Fit for Heroes, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Origin: original digital, Keyword-13: Battle Urban District Council, Date-Created-Original: Dec-21
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/E4.1 The origins of Wellington Gardens.pdf
M1.3 Stephen Crane and Brede, Novelist, Journalist and Poet .pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2018-02, Location: USA,Brede, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-2: Crane, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-02, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Writer,Journalist,Poet, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00067, Digital-Format: .pdf, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-5: Brede, Keyword-3: Journalist, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Title: Stephen Crane, novelist, short story writer, journalist and poet, Keyword-4: Author, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-1: M1.3, Description: The radical American author and poet lived for a short time at Brede Place; this is his mini-history, Type: Text
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.3 Stephen Crane and Brede, Novelist, Journalist and Poet .pdf
R4.2d Appendixes for Paper R4.2c.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: Mar-21, Keyword-13: Dives Alpha and de Magny, Title: Appendixes for R4.2c, Keyword-8: Auchinleck, Keyword-11: Holinshed, Keyword-2: William the Conqueror, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright, Digital-Format: .pdf, Time-Period: Middle Ages Early Modern, Description: Names included in all the Companion Rolls discussed, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: Mar-21, Digital-Origin: original digital, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Keyword-9: Le Talleur, Keyword-14: Falaise, Topic: Comparison of Companion Rolls, Keyword-4: Companion Rolls, Keyword-10: Leland I and II, Keyword-12: Duchesne, Keyword-7: Wace, Genre: article, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Type: text
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R4.2d Appendixes for Paper R4.2c.pdf
O3.2 Bodiam Castle and its Manor COL00135 (1).pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh Keith Foord, Keyword-1: Bodiam, Language: ENG, Keyword-6: Fuller, Topic: Local History, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Type: Text, Keyword-9: Tuften, Keyword-7: Lewknor, Keyword-5: Radygden, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: paper record, Keyword-11: Webster, Title: Bodiam Castle and its Manor, Keyword-2: Curzon, Time-Period: Middle Ages - Late Modern, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-12: Castle, Keyword-10: Powell, Date-Created-Original: 2019-09, Identifier: COL00135, Digital-Origin: original digital, Keyword-3: Wardedieu, Description: History of the manor of Bodiam and its Castle, Date-Issued-Published: 2020-03-04, Keyword-8: Levett, Keyword-4: Dalyngrigge, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Bodiam
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O3.2 Bodiam Castle and its Manor COL00135 (1).pdf
X1.1 Cnut - Stability in Englandand Norman connections.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Anglo-Saxons, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-1: X1.1, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Kings, Description: A look at the relative stability of Cnut's reign and some local influences, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: England,Sussex,England,Normandy, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Danes, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Language: ENG, Type: Text, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Cnut, Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Title: Cnut: Stability in England and evolving Norman Connections, Identifier: COL00105, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X1.1 Cnut - Stability in Englandand Norman connections.pdf
O1.3 Normanhurst and the Brasseys.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Normanhurst and the Brasseys, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Keyword-2: Normanhurst, Keyword-5: Catsfield, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Manors, Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Catsfield, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Keyword-1: O1.3, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: Normanhurst Court and its very wealthy creators/residents, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: Railways, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Identifier: COL00082, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Brassey, Rights: Copyright BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.3 Normanhurst and the Brasseys.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Manors, Type: Text, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-5: Sedlescombe, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: Sedlescombe, Title: Oaklands and the Combe Family, Keyword-2: Oaklands, Keyword-6: Pestalozzi, Identifier: COL00078, Description: Oaklands, which became home to the Pestalozzi Village, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-1: O1.10, Keyword-4: Brabazon, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Time-Period: Late Modern,Late Modern,Contemorary, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Combe, Date-Created-Original: 2018-05, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-05, Rights: Copyright BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.10 OAKLANDS AND THE COMBEv2.pdf
J3.2 Tom Vidler.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: World War I, Title: Tom Vidler, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Relics of a man wounded in the First World War, Identifier: COL00052, Topic: War,Battle, Language: ENG, Keyword-1: J3.2, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-04, Keyword-2: Vidler, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Location: Battle, Time-Period: Late Modern, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017-03
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J3.2 Tom Vidler.pdf
F2.3a Deans of Battle 1588-1660 Part 1.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Identifier: COL00032, Keyword-3: St Marys, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: Deans of Battle at a time of religious termoil, Date-Created-Original: 1997, Keyword-5: Catholics, Date-Issued-Published: 1997, Title: Deans of Battle 1588-1661 part 2, Keyword-2: Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: Non-conformity, Personal-Name: BDHS Reasearch Group, Location: Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Topic: Religion, Keyword-1: F2.3a, Time-Period: Early Modern
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F2.3a Deans of Battle 1588-1660 Part 1.pdf
J2.1 The Hon.James Murray.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-6: Minorca, Location: Scotland,France,Canada,Minorca,Telham, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: Colonialisation,War, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Title: The Hon. James Murray, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: J2.1, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Quebec, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Identifier: COL00050, Keyword-3: Canada, Description: A history of a soldier of Scots origin, retired to Battle but famous for his role in the capture of Quebec, Keyword-4: Beauport, Keyword-2: Murray, Genre: Direct digital article, Personal-Name: Keith Foord
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J2.1 The Hon.James Murray.pdf
M1.8 Gregory Martin, Scholar and Bible translator.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Identifier: COL00072, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Time-Period: Early Modern, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-1: M1.8, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Catholicism, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Location: Guestling, Reims, Douai, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Bible, Keyword-4: Author, Topic: Writer, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-2: Martin, Description: A great Catholic scholar and bible translator with local roots, Personal-Name: Neil Clephane-Cameron,Keith Foord, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Title: Gregory Martin, Scholar, Bible translator and Author of Religious tracts, Type: Text
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.8 Gregory Martin, Scholar and Bible translator.pdf
C8.1 Banking -THE BANKS OF BATTLEv2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Date-Created-Original: 2018-06, Type: Text, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Identifier: COL00024, Location: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Title: The banks of Battle, to 2018, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: Banks, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-3: Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-4: Tilden Smith, Topic: Banking, Keyword-1: C8.1, Description: No mainstream bank now exists in Battle. This paper looks at local banking history, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-07
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C8.1 Banking -THE BANKS OF BATTLEv2.pdf
B1.3 Roads v2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Keyword-1: B1.3, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: Roads, Genre: Direct digital article, Identifier: COL00020, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-2: Roads, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Turnpike, Type: Text, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Title: Roads in the Battle District: Pt 1. An Introduction Pt. 2 Turnpikes, Date-Created-Original: 2018, Location: Battle,East Sussex, Keyword-4: E Sussex, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Description: Roads around Battle from Roman days until the present, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/B1.3 Roads v2.pdf
X2.7 Subsidy Roll of Hastings 1411.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Information, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Location: East Sussex, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-1: X2.11, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Cade, Keyword-7: Pevensey, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-2: 1450, Rights: Out of Copyright, Identifier: COL00132, Language: ENG, Title: Adherents from the Rape of Hastings and Pevensey Lowey of the Jack Cade Rebellion of 1450 who were pardonned, Keyword-6: Hastings-Rape, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Description: Cade rebellion Hastings adherents, Keyword-5: Pardons, Keyword-4: Rebellion
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.7 Subsidy Roll of Hastings 1411.pdf
F2.3b Deans of Battle 1588-1660 Part 2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Issued-Published: 1997, Type: Text, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Personal-Name: BDHS Reasearch Group, Keyword-2: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Title: Deans of Battle 1588-1660 part 1, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Early Modern, Description: Deans of Battle at a time of religious termoil, Keyword-3: St Marys, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Non-conformity, Date-Created-Original: 1997, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Catholics, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Location: Battle, Identifier: COL00033, Keyword-1: F2.3b, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Topic: Religion
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F2.3b Deans of Battle 1588-1660 Part 2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Papillon, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-4: Pelham, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-05, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Crowhurst, Language: ENG, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-1: O1.11, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-5: Crowhurst, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Manors, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Type: Text, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: A history of Crowhurst Park with some insights into one of its families, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00079, Date-Created-Original: 2018-05, Title: Crowhurst Park and the Papillon Family, Keyword-2: Crowhurst Park
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.11 CROWHURST PARK AND THE PAPILLONSv2.pdf
B1.2 How did Kane Hythe Road get its name.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Language: ENG, Genre: Direct digital article, Date-Created-Original: 2017-09, Title: How did Kane Hythe Road get its name?, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-10, Topic: Roads, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Identifier: COL00019, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Battle,Netherfield, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Keyword-2: Roads, Keyword-1: B1.2, Description: This oddly named road links Battle and Netherfield, but how did it get its name?, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Ashburnham, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/B1.2 How did Kane Hythe Road get its name.pdf
M1.1 Eliza Acton, Poet and Cookery writer pre Mrs Beeton.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-3: Cookery, Type: Text, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-2: Acton, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: Author, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-08, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-08, Genre: Direct digital article, Identifier: COL00062, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Title: Eliza Acton , poet and cookery book writer whose recipes may have been stolen by Mrs Beeton, Location: Battle, Digital-Format: .pdf, Description: The first writer to address the culinary needs of middle class families, born at Battle, Keyword-5: Beeton, Topic: Writer, Keyword-1: M1.1
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.1 Eliza Acton, Poet and Cookery writer pre Mrs Beeton.pdf
A4.1 410-900 Some early Kings but who were the Hastingas.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Kings,Sussex,Hastingas, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Southern England, Digital-Format: .pdf, Identifier: COL00011, Keyword-1: A4.1, Keyword-5: 410-900, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Language: ENG, Title: 410-900: Some early Kings, but who were the Hastingas?, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-3: E Sussex, Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Keyword-2: Hastingas, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: Anglo-Saxon kings of Sussex , Wessex and England to 900 with a discussion about the Hastingas area, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-4: Kings, Genre: Direct digital article, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Type: Text, Personal-Name: Keith Foord
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A4.1 410-900 Some early Kings but who were the Hastingas.pdf
O2.4 The Grace family of Battle Abbey COL00136 (1).pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern, Date-Issued-Published: 2020-03-04, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-8: Pianist, Topic: Family history, Keyword-6: Musician, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: original digital, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Music, Keyword-4: Windycroft, Identifier: COL00134, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-11: Dannreuther, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-9: Entomology, Keyword-2: Fruit Farm, Type: Text, Genre: paper record, Title: The Dannreuther Family, Description: History of the Dannreuther family 1974-1978, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2019, Keyword-5: Hastings, Keyword-7: Composer, Keyword-10: Dunkirk, Keyword-1: Marley Lane, Location: Battle, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O2.4 The Grace family of Battle Abbey COL00136 (1).pdf
M1.10 Hesketh Pearson, Author.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-2: Pearson, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Whatlington, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-4: Muggeridge, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Location: Whatlington, Identifier: COL00063, Keyword-3: Author, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Title: Hesketh Pearson, author, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Valued writer and biographer, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Writer, Keyword-1: M1.10
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.10 Hesketh Pearson, Author.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-9: Gypsum, Keyword-2: Agriculture, Location: Battle, Keyword-11: Railways, Topic: Social, Keyword-8: Shops, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-10: Gunpowder, Keyword-12: Bicycles, Keyword-5: Transport, Keyword-1: R1.2, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Date-Created-Original: 2019-02, Language: ENG, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: Education, Keyword-15: Servants, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Employment in Battle 1841-1911: A Preliminary Assessment, Keyword-13: Women, Keyword-6: Tanning, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Identifier: COL00113, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-3: Woods, Keyword-7: Shoemaking, Description: A review of the employment types and records of people in Battle between 1841 and 1911, Keyword-14: Labourers, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R1.2 EMPLOYMENT IN BATTLEv2.pdf
A3.5 Not just Battle Abbey (v4).pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-10: Otham, Location: Battle,Rye, Winchelsea, Pevensey, Hastings, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Identifier: COL00112, Date-Created-Original: 2019-02, Keyword-12: Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Description: Role of religious houses except Battle abbey in east Sussex, Keyword-8: Robertsbridge, Keyword-11: Monastic Order, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Keyword-14: Hastings, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-7: Pevensey, Keyword-15: Collegiate College, Keyword-1: A3.5, Keyword-5: Priory, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Topic: Religion, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-3: Friary, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-02, Title: Not just Battle Abbey ? Other religious houses in eastern Sussex to 1538, Keyword-13: Fecamp, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Abbey, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-6: Rye, Time-Period: pre-Norman,Middle Ages,Early Modern, Keyword-9: Bayham, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: Hospital
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A3.5 Not just Battle Abbey (v4).pdf
C6.1 GYPSUM.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Organisational-Name: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Topic: Mining, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: Netherfield, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-12, Keyword-3: Mountfield, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00023, Keyword-5: Brightling, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Type: Text, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-2: Gypsum, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-1: C6.1, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Date-Created-Original: 2018-11, Description: About the discovery and mining of Gypsum at Mountfield and Brightling, Location: Mountfield,Brightling, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Title: Gypsum
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C6.1 GYPSUM.pdf
O3.3 Battle's Memorial Hall.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Memorial Hall, Keyword-5: Recreation Ground, Keyword-14: Battle Light Opera Group, Digital-Origin: original digital, Keyword-12: Rotary Club, Keyword-10: Newbery, Time-Period: Contemporary, Keyword-6: Currie, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Description: An account of the devlopment of the Memorial Halls in Battle, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: Jan-22, Title: Battle's War Memorials and the Making of the Memorial Hall, Keyword-8: Raper Kendall Smithe, Keyword-13: British Legion, Language: ENG, Keyword-4: War Memorial, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-1: Langton House, Rights: copyright, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-2: Ticehurst, Keyword-9: Fovargue Davidson, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-11: Wynne Hodge Mills, Type: text, Date-Created-Original: Dec-21, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: article, Keyword-7: Shepard, Topic: The story of the development of the Memorial Hall
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O3.3 Battle's Memorial Hall.pdf
A2.5 v3 The Rapes of Sussex, Hundreds of Hastings Rape and the people of the Rape of Hastings to 1538.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-2: Sussex, Keyword-1: A2.5, Topic: Local Government,Sussex,Rape of Hastings, Keyword-5: Eu, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Date-Created-Original: 2018-03, Title: The Rapes of Sussex, Hundreds of Hastings Rape and the People of the Rape of Hastings to 1538, Keyword-3: Hastings, Genre: Direct digital article, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Identifier: COL00006, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Location: East Sussex,West Sussex, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: An indepth look at how the Rapes of Sussex evolved with even more detail of the Rape of Hastings, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-03, Keyword-4: Rape, Rights: Copyright BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A2.5 v3 The Rapes of Sussex, Hundreds of Hastings Rape and the people of the Rape of Hastings to 1538.pdf
M1.7 Sheila Kaye-Smith, Author.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Type: Text, Personal-Name: Georgina Doherty, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Location: Battle,Hastings,Northiam, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: M1.7, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Keyword-4: Battle, Keyword-2: Kaye-Smith, Identifier: COL00071, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Author, Title: Sheila Kaye-Smith, author, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-5: Hastings, Topic: Writer, Description: Sheila Kaye-Smith's father was a local GP and she wrote novels based around eastern Sussex
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.7 Sheila Kaye-Smith, Author.pdf
M1.2 Dorothy Broster, Novelist.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-5: Catsfield, Description: All about this popular historical novelist who lived in Catsfield parish, Keyword-3: Author, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Location: Battle, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Keyword-4: Jacobites, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Type: Text, Keyword-2: Broster, Title: D K Broster, Novelist, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: M1.2, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Identifier: COL00066, Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Topic: Writer
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.2 Dorothy Broster, Novelist.pdf
C2.1 Former Breweries of Battle District.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-1: C2.1, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-2: Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-3: Breweries, Type: Text, Keyword-4: Baily, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Identifier: COL00022, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Topic: Breweries, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-08, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-09, Title: Former breweries of Battle, Description: A discussion of the former breweries of Battle, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Location: Battle
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/C2.1 Former Breweries of Battle District.pdf
E3.1 Prisons in Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: Prisons in Battle, Location: Battle, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: An account mainly of the house of correction in Lower Lake, Keyword-4: Police, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-1: E3.1, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-04, Identifier: COL00028, Type: Text, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-05, Keyword-2: Prisons, Keyword-3: Battle, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Prisons
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/E3.1 Prisons in Battle.pdf
X2.9 Muster Roll Rape of Hastings 1339.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Information, Keyword-7: Villata, Keyword-5: Taxes, Keyword-1: X2.13, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Resource-Owner: Sussex Record Society, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: On line digital, Rights: Copyright Sussex Record Society, Keyword-6: Townships, Organisational-Name: Sussex Record Society, Keyword-2: 1524, Holding-Institution: Sussex Record Society, Description: Local taxes in Hastings Rape 1524 and 1525, Genre: Digital copy, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Identifier: COL00134, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: 1525, Location: East Sussex, Keyword-4: Hundreds, Title: The Lay Subsidy Rolls for the Rape of Hastings 1524 ? 1525, Time-Period: Early Modern
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.9 Muster Roll Rape of Hastings 1339.pdf
B3.1 Railways and Battle District.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Battle, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2018, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Type: Text, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Genre: Direct digital article, Description: An overview of the coming of the railway to Battle, Date-Issued-Published: 2018, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: B3.1, Keyword-2: Railways, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Title: Railways and the Battle district, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: Battle, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00021, Topic: Railways, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/B3.1 Railways and Battle District.pdf
L2.1 Launcelot 'Capability' Brown andhis work around Battle.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Ashburnham,Brightling, Genre: Direct digital article, Date-Created-Original: 2017-10, Keyword-4: Ashburnham, Topic: Landscape Architect,Gardens, Keyword-2: Brown, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-5: Brightling, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-11, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Launcelot ?Capability? Brown and his work around Battle, Identifier: COL00059, Description: Capability Brown: work at Ashburnham, but his influences elsewhere in the district were minimal, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Keyword-1: L2.1, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-6: Capability Brown, Keyword-3: Gardens, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern,Contemporay, Digital-Origin: Original digital
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/L2.1 Launcelot 'Capability' Brown andhis work around Battle.pdf
K2.1 Sir Francis Ronalds inventor of the Electric Telegraph.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-08, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Topic: Science,Physics, Keyword-4: Telegraph, Keyword-1: K2.1, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Type: Text, Title: Sir Francis Ronalds - inventor of the electric telegraph and other devices, Identifier: COL00056, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Inventor, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Location: Battle,London, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Keyword-2: Ronalds, Description: Detailed account of the life and work of a remarkable inventor who lived in Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/K2.1 Sir Francis Ronalds inventor of the Electric Telegraph.pdf
A2.1 A history of Rameslie before 1066 – a Norman key to the kingdom of England.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: A history of Rameslie before 1066 ? a Norman key to the kingdom of England?, Topic: East Sussex,Norman Conquest, Location: East Sussex,Eynsham,Wareham,F?camp, Type: Text, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Genre: Direct digital article, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Identifier: COL00002, Description: How Rameslie (a large manor between Rye and Hastings including Brede) came to be in the hands of Fecamp abbey, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Time-Period: Pre-Norman, Keyword-3: Normandy, Keyword-4: Anglo-Saxon, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-2: Rameslie, Keyword-5: Fecamp, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017-01, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: A2.1, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/A2.1 A history of Rameslie before 1066 – a Norman key to the kingdom of England.pdf
F3.2 Methodism in eastern Sussex1756-2017.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: Methodists, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Language: ENG, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Title: Methodism in eastern Sussex 1756-2017, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Methodism came to eastern Sussex by two very different and interesting routes, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-4: Battle, Keyword-3: E Sussex, Topic: Religion,Methodist, Location: East Sussex, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Type: Text, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Identifier: COL00035, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Keyword-1: F3.2
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F3.2 Methodism in eastern Sussex1756-2017.pdf
N3.1 Harry H Corbett, Actor.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-3: Actor, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-03, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-4: Comedy, Keyword-2: Corbett, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-5: Penhurst, Digital-Format: .pdf, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Topic: Actors, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-1: N3.1, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Description: Harold' in the comedic 'Steptoe and Sons', Harry was a fine serious actor, Location: Penhurst, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Identifier: COL00076, Genre: Direct digital article, Title: Harry H Corbett, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017-03
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/N3.1 Harry H Corbett, Actor.pdf
F3.5 William Vidler a Peculiar clergyman.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Rights: Copyright BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-5: Universalism, Keyword-2: Vidler, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Type: Text, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-1: F3.5, Identifier: COL00038, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Location: Battle,London, Description: The story of the son of a Battle Abbey mason who became a charismatic Non-Conformist minister, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Topic: Religion,Baptist,Unitarian, Title: William Vidler - a peculiar clergyman, Keyword-4: Unitarianism, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Baptist
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F3.5 William Vidler a Peculiar clergyman.pdf
H3.1 Battle and William Cobbett.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Location: Battle, Keyword-2: Cobbett, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2014, Keyword-3: Radicalism, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Title: Battle and William Cobbett, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2014, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Topic: Radicalism, Genre: Direct digital article, Type: Text, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Description: How the radical speaker Cobbett made his voice well known in Battle, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Keyword-1: H3.1, Identifier: COL00044
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/H3.1 Battle and William Cobbett.pdf
J1.2 Battle in the English Civil War and Interregnum.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: A bit of a backwater during the Civil War but still with some colourful characters, Topic: War,Battle, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2018-01, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-02, Location: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-2: Battle, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Identifier: COL00049, Keyword-3: Civil War, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-4: Interregnum, Title: Battle in the English Civil War and Interregnum, Keyword-1: J1.2, Personal-Name: Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Time-Period: Early Modern
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/J1.2 Battle in the English Civil War and Interregnum.pdf
R3.2 The Sword of Battle Abbey.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Keyword-4: Dissolution, Rights: Out of copyright, Keyword-3: Sword, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Collection-Description: Copy of out of copyright paper, Type: Digital copy, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Resource-Owner: Not available, Personal-Name: Noel Paton, Description: About the sword of Battle Abbey commissioned by Abbot Thomas Ludlowe, Location: Battle,Firle,Scotland, Language: ENG, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: Internet, Genre: Digital copy, Keyword-1: R3.2, Identifier: COL00096, Keyword-2: Battle Abbey, Organisational-Name: Not available, Date-Created-Original: 1874, Holding-Institution: Not available, Title: The Sword of Battle Abbey, Topic: Religiion
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R3.2 The Sword of Battle Abbey.pdf
O1.9 GreatWigsellv2.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Location: Salehurst, Type: Text, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: A history of the house and families, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-2: Great Wigsell, Topic: Manors, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Keyword-1: O1.9, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Keyword-6: Robertsbridge, Identifier: COL00088, Time-Period: Early Modern,Age of revolution,Late Modern,Contemporary, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: Culpeper, Keyword-5: Milner, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Great Wigsell, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Cecil
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/O1.9 GreatWigsellv2.pdf
M1.5 Marriott Edgar, Film and Comedy scriptwriter.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Language: ENG, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-3: Scriptwriter, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Topic: Writer,Scriptwriter, Description: Supplied humorous verse to Stanley Holloway and wrote for films, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-4: Comedy, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Location: Battle, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-5: Film, Keyword-1: M1.5, Type: Text, Date-Created-Original: 2017-03, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-03, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-2: Edgar, Title: Marriott Edgar, film and comedy scriptwriter, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Identifier: COL00069, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/M1.5 Marriott Edgar, Film and Comedy scriptwriter.pdf
F3.4 Universalists, then Unitarians in Battle 1793-1898.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Keyword-1: F3.4, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Universalists and Unitarians in Battle, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-3: Unitarianism, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Universalists, then Unitarians of Battle 1793-1898 and the fate of their chapel, Type: Text, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Battle, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Genre: Direct digital article, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-2: Universalism, Language: ENG, Identifier: COL00037, Topic: Religion,Unitarian
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F3.4 Universalists, then Unitarians in Battle 1793-1898.pdf
X2.11 Cade adherents.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Identifier: COL00124, Genre: Digital copy, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Keyword-1: X2.3, Description: Church taxes in Hastings Rape, Keyword-5: Hastings-Rape, Keyword-4: Churches, Title: The Church Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV 1288 for churches of Hastings Rape, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Location: East Sussex, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-2: Nicholas-IV, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Rights: Out of Copyright, Topic: Information, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Keyword-3: 1288
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.11 Cade adherents.pdf
R3.1 Battle History Walk.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Identifier: COL00095, Description: A specially devised walk around historic Battle, created by the Research Group of BDHS, Location: Battle, Title: Battle History Walk, Date-Issued-Published: 2016, Time-Period: Contemporary, Keyword-3: Walk, Date-Created-Original: 2016, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Digital-Format: .pdf, Topic: Tourism, Language: ENG, Keyword-2: Battle, Genre: Direct digital article, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: Neil Clepahe-Cameron,Keith Foord,Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall,George Kiloh, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-1: R3.1
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R3.1 Battle History Walk.pdf
R3.5 StMarys Croftv5 COL00116.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Title: Collectanea, Genre: Direct digital article, Keyword-12: Cloutt, Identifier: COL00116, Keyword-11: Almoner, Date-Issued-Published: 2019-06, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-6: Telham Court, Location: Battle, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Keyword-15: Worge, Keyword-13: Roberts, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: St Marys Villas, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-8: Ticehurst, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-7: Rose Hill, Keyword-1: R3.6, Keyword-5: Ronalds, Description: Housing development in the 19th century in Battle, Title: St Marys Croft, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-14: Glebe land, Date-Created-Original: 2019-05, Keyword-2: St Marys Croft, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Type: Text, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-9: Ingram, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution, Late Modern, Topic: Social, Keyword-10: Kenward, Keyword-4: Ellman
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/R3.5 StMarys Croftv5 COL00116.pdf
X2.10 Muster 1446.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Keyword-3: Seals, Identifier: COL00123, Genre: Digital copy, Rights: Out of Copyright, Language: ENG, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Location: Hastings, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-2: Seal, Topic: Images, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Description: Seals of Counts of Eu and Hastings College, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Title: Seals of the Counts of Eu and the Collegiate Church of St Mary in the Castle, Hastings, Keyword-5: Hastings, Keyword-6: College, Keyword-4: Eu, Keyword-1: X2.2, Time-Period: Middle Ages
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.10 Muster 1446.pdf
X2.3 Church Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV 1288.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Description: Manor taxes in Hastings Rape 1411, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Keyword-4: Taxes, Collection-Description: Appendix to Book, Keyword-1: X2.7, Identifier: COL00128, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: Manors, Organisational-Name: Archive.org, Time-Period: Middle Ages, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Digital-Origin: Digital book, Rights: Out of Copyright, Location: East Sussex, Digital-Format: .pdf, Title: Lay Subsidy Roll for the Rape of Hastings 1411, Keyword-2: 1411, Genre: Digital copy, Topic: Information
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/X2.3 Church Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV 1288.pdf
F3.6 Congregationalists at Battle and Robertsbridge.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Genre: Direct digital article, Personal-Name: Keith Foord, Language: ENG, Date-Issued-Published: 2017, Topic: Religion,Congregational, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle, Type: Text, Keyword-4: Robertsbridge, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary, Identifier: COL00039, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2017, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Congregationalists at Battle and Robertsbridge, Keyword-1: F3.6, Keyword-2: Congregationalists, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Location: Battle,Robertsbridge, Description: The Congregationalists of Battle and Robertsbridge had completely different origins
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F3.6 Congregationalists at Battle and Robertsbridge.pdf
G4.1 Solicitors COL00137[13353].pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Title: The Solicitors of Battle, Keyword-1: Heringtons, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Genre: article, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Keyword-10: Buckwell, Topic: Law, Keyword-11: Nairn, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Type: Text, Keyword-3: Tilden, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Location: Battle, Keyword-4: Ellman, Keyword-2: Sheppard, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Keyword-8: Kell, Keyword-7: Bishop, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Description: A comprehensive history of solicitors of Battle from the early 18th century, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Keyword-12: G4.1, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-6: Fovargue, Date-Created-Original: 2017 - 07, Keyword-5: Raper, Keyword-9: Martins
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/G4.1 Solicitors COL00137[13353].pdf
H4.1 Barbara Bodichon and Womens Rights.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Topic: Reform, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Barbara Bodichon was a pioneer of women's rights and lived locally, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Date-Created-Original: 2016-09, Keyword-3: Women's Rights, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Personal-Name: Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Date-Issued-Published: 2016-10, Identifier: COL00045, Time-Period: Late Modern, Keyword-1: H4.1, Type: Text, Keyword-2: Bodichon, Title: Barbara Bodichon - Women's Rights1, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Robertsbridge,Whatlington
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/H4.1 Barbara Bodichon and Womens Rights.pdf
F4.3 Brownes Montagues and recusancy v3.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Recusancy, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Brownes, Montagues and Recusancy ? 1538-1629, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: F4.3, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: Battle,Cowdray, Personal-Name: Keith Foord,Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Description: A Catholic family, owners of Battle Abbey, and how they survived the Reformation and reign of Elizabeth I, Keyword-2: Browne, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2018-06, Keyword-5: Catholicism, Time-Period: Early Modern, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Topic: Religion,Catholic, Date-Issued-Published: 2018-07, Genre: Direct digital article, Type: Text, Language: ENG, Identifier: COL00042, Keyword-3: Montague, Organisational-Name: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/F4.3 Brownes Montagues and recusancy v3.pdf
N2.2 Florence Aylward, Composer of Popualr Songs.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2017-10, Language: ENG, Identifier: COL00075, Location: Brede, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-10, Topic: Music,Songwriter, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Description: Brede-born composer very popular at the turn of the 19-20th centuries, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Composer, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: Brede, Keyword-2: Aylward, Time-Period: Late Modern, Title: Florence Aylward, composer of popular songs, Keyword-1: N2.2
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/N2.2 Florence Aylward, Composer of Popualr Songs.pdf
N2.1 Frank Chacksfield, Light Orchestral musician.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Location: Battle, Date-Created-Original: 2017-07, Topic: Music, Genre: Direct digital article, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Music, Keyword-2: Chacksfield, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Identifier: COL00074, Keyword-1: N2.1, Type: Text, Date-Issued-Published: 2017-07, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Title: Frank Chacksfield, light orchestral musician, Description: Frank was a Battle boy who became a popular light orchestral musician on the BBC, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: George Kiloh, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern,Contemporary
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/N2.1 Frank Chacksfield, Light Orchestral musician.pdf
D4.1 The Battle Union Workhouse.pdf
Archive: Collectanea
Date-Created-Original: 2014, Genre: Direct digital article, Digital-Format: .pdf, Identifier: COL00026, Date-Issued-Published: 2014, Keyword-2: Workhouse, Keyword-5: Poor law, Rights: Copyright BDHS, Keyword-1: D4.1, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-3: Battle, Topic: Poor Laws,Workhouse, Location: Battle, Title: The Battle Union Workhouse, Description: The history of the Battle Union Workhouse 1840-1930, Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Collectanea, Digital-Origin: Original digital, Type: Text, Collection-Description: Papers written by a member of BDHS or donated to BDHS, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Personal-Name: Adrian Hall,Sarah Hall, Time-Period: Age of Revolution,Late Modern, Contemporary, Keyword-4: Thatcher, Organisational-Name: BDHS
http://www.bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Collectanea/D4.1 The Battle Union Workhouse.pdf