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Abstract of Title of Lucy Webster to Battle Abbey Estate.pdf
Archive: Paper
Collection-Title: Paper Archive, Keyword-15: Constable's Farm Mrs Palethorpe Middle Barnhorn A J Packham Graceland Messrs Carey H Sheather, Time-Period: Late Modern, Location: Battle Abbey Estate, Keyword-4: Lower Almonry Farm Owen Watts, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-13: Upper Almonry Farm A Holland F Thwaites J Comfort Cattle Market Woodhams & Sons Drill Hall Almonry Farm Tollgates Farm T A Taylor Whitelands Saxon Hill Farm H V Course Lodgefield Bldgs J Errington Kingsland Farm E J Hecks, Topic: Title to Battle Abbey Estate, Keyword-12: Master (of Lunacy), Digital-Origin: photograph, Genre: paper records, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-10: Dame Mabel Webster Amelia Sophia Rous Asquith, Description: Abstract of the Title of Lucy Webster to the Battle Abbey Estate, Keyword-9: Noel A Lowry Corry Godfrey V G F C Webster Earl of Hardwicke F Cox Amelia S Rous Webster H A H Boyce G G MacDonald Lord Skelmersdale, Language: ENG, Keyword-8: Oakhurst Tollgates Sheathers Southdowne L Elliott Punchbowl Great Park House Papillon Gausden Kilk Lands, Keyword-11: Queen Ann Bounty Jesse Martin Orchard part Tollgates David Grant Almonry Farm, Type: Text, Personal-Name: Lucy Webster, Keyword-1: Francis W Forester Victor A Child Frederick G Hilton Price, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Created-Original: 1927, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Keyword-5: George A Campbell Arthur C Hammersley Hugh G Hammersley Sir Thomas H Cochrane Troubridge Earl of Latham, Date-Issued-Published: 2021, Title: Battle Abbey Estate, Collection-Description: Various documents relalting to Battle, Keyword-7: Great Park House Sinclair Horns Lodge Gammon Farthing Farm Hy Clarke Hinde Sain Foin Farm A Miller Kingswell W Goode Kilk Lands C Martin Little Park A Watt Orchards Croft, Keyword-3: Battel Parks Sedlescombe Whatlington Deanery Tithes, Keyword-2: Sir Auguster F W E WebsterHarry G Powlett Duke of Cleveland Duchess of Cleveland Earl of Selbourne, Keyword-6: The Bowlings E Knight Mill House E Boxall Birchin Farm A Crowhurst Ingalis Charles Hobden Phipps Gill Wm Jamee Tower Hill Rudd The Quarry Saml Jones Mansers Newbery Osiers J Soan Fullers Uckham Broomhill Farm Fowler, Keyword-14: Squirrel Farm W L Sharp Chantlers Down M Sharp Chantlers Wood Tellis Coppice Great Park Farm F Gandy Broomhill H L Learmonth Farthing Farm S A Packham Tower Hill Farm W Beck & Son Horns Lodge Mrs Alfieri Pett Marshes J C Rogers Watch Oak
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Abstract of Title of Lucy Webster to Battle Abbey Estate.pdf
Battle Town Index Nos 1-29 High Street A.pdf
Archive: Paper
Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: c1985-1995, Genre: paper records, Collection-Title: Battle Town Index, Date-Created-Original: Aug-21, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Information relating to buildings in Battle, Time-Period: Age of Revolution/Late Modern/Contemporary, Digital-Origin: original text, Type: text, Description: Index of properties 1-29 High Street, Personal-Name: Ken Clarke, Location: High Street, Language: ENG
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Battle Town Index Nos 1-29 High Street A.pdf
Dec 1899.pdf
Archive: Paper
Location: Battle, Title: Parish Magazine, Collection-Title: Paper, Keyword-1: Church Calendar, Topic: Church affairs, Date-Created-Original: Dec 1899, Keyword-7: Mabel Escombe, Keyword-3: Banner of Faith, Rights: digital version copyright BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: .pdf created from digital photographs of original, Keyword-4: Annette Lyster, Keyword-11: Church Organisations, Keyword-9: Battle Benefit Nursing Association, Date-Issued-Published: Jul-23, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Type: Text, Description: Parts of Parish Magazine of the church of St Mary the Virgin Battle, Time-Period: Late Modern, Keyword-10: Baptisms, Genre: booklet, Collection-Description: Documents trelating to Battle and the surrounding area, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Keyword-2: Temperance Society, Keyword-12: Station Train Times, Keyword-5: E M Dawson, Keyword-6: Tom Langridge, Keyword-8: Cecil H Martin
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Dec 1899.pdf
Battle Town Index Other Roads A.pdf
Archive: Paper
Keyword-14: Starrs Green, Keyword-1: Wellington Gardens, Location: Other Roads, Personal-Name: Ken Clarke, Time-Period: Age of Revolution/Late Modern/Contemporary, Keyword-12: Senlac Gardens, Date-Created-Original: Aug-21, Keyword-8: Marley Lane, Keyword-2: North Trade Road, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Description: Information relating to buildings in Battle, Keyword-5: London Road, Keyword-3: Western Avenue, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Type: text, Keyword-4: Caldbec Hill, Keyword-13: Powdermill Lane, Genre: paper records, Keyword-15: Harold Terrace, Keyword-7: Chapel Cottages, Digital-Origin: original text, Date-Issued-Published: c1985-1995, Collection-Title: Battle Town Index, Keyword-6: Watch Oak, Keyword-11: St Mary's Villas, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-9: Battle Hill, Language: ENG, Description: Index of properties in other roads, Keyword-10: St Mary's Terrace
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Battle Town Index Other Roads A.pdf
Jan 1899.pdf
Archive: Paper
Keyword-9: Missionary Intelligence, Keyword-1: The Banner of Faith, Type: Text, Keyword-8: A B A Chapman, Date-Created-Original: Jan 1899, Location: Battle, Keyword-2: Annette Lyster, Topic: Church affairs, Date-Issued-Published: Jul-23, Keyword-4: Mabel Escombe, Keyword-7: Cooking for the Sick and Convalescent, Genre: booklet, Keyword-5: Bishop Johann Michael Sailer, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Keyword-6: L Hereward, Rights: digital version copyright BDHS, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Title: Parish Magazine, Description: Parts of Parish Magazine of the church of St Mary the Virgin Battle, Collection-Description: Documents trelating to Battle and the surrounding area, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Paper, Time-Period: Late modern, Digital-Origin: .pdf created from digital photographs of original, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: Mabel E Dawson
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Jan 1899.pdf
Aug 1896.pdf
Archive: Paper
Genre: booklet, Location: Battle, Description: Parts of Parish Magazine of the church of St Mary the Virgin Battle, Collection-Title: Paper, Keyword-8: Missionary Work, Rights: digital version copyright BDHS, Keyword-10: Baptisms Burials, Keyword-1: Banner of Faith, Time-Period: Late modern, Digital-Origin: .pdf created from digital photographs of original, Keyword-5: Receipts for Cooling Drinks for Hot Weather, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-12: Station TrainTimes, Keyword-2: Christabel R Coleridge, Language: ENG, Keyword-3: India, Date-Issued-Published: Jul-23, Type: Text, Keyword-11: Girls Friendly Society, Keyword-7: Mary A Marshall, Topic: Church affairs, Keyword-9: Rev J J Priestley, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Collection-Description: Documents trelating to Battle and the surrounding area, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Keyword-6: F B Matthews, Title: Parish Magazine, Keyword-13: Church Calendar, Date-Created-Original: Aug 1896, Keyword-4: Caroline A Mason
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Aug 1896.pdf
Battle Town Index Nos 61-94 High Street A.pdf
Archive: Paper
Time-Period: Age of Revolution/Late Modern/Contemporary, Language: ENG, Description: Index of properties 61-94 High Street, Digital-Origin: original text, Collection-Title: Battle Town Index, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: Ken Clarke, Location: High Street, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: Information relating to buildings in Battle, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: c1985-1995, Type: text, Date-Created-Original: Aug-21, Genre: paper records
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Battle Town Index Nos 61-94 High Street A.pdf
Battle Town Index Nos 30 - 60 High Street A.pdf
Archive: Paper
Collection-Title: Battle Town Index, Time-Period: Age of Revolution/Late Modern/Contemporary, Location: High Street, Description: Index of properties 30 - 60 High Street, Digital-Format: .pdf, Personal-Name: Ken Clarke, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Description: Information relating to buildings in Battle, Genre: paper records, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: original text, Date-Created-Original: Aug-21, Type: text, Date-Issued-Published: c1985-1995, Holding-Institution: BMOLH
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Battle Town Index Nos 30 - 60 High Street A.pdf
Battle Town Index Upper and Lower Lake A.pdf
Archive: Paper
Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Genre: Paper Records, Type: text, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: original text, Collection-Title: Battle Town Index, Description: Index of properties in Upper and Lower Lake, Collection-Description: Information relating to buildings in Battle, Date-Created-Original: Aug-21, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Time-Period: Age of Revolution/Late Modern/Contemporary, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Personal-Name: Ken Clarke, Location: Lower Lake Upper Lake, Language: ENG, Date-Issued-Published: c1985-1995
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Battle Town Index Upper and Lower Lake A.pdf
Christmas Shopping 1948.pdf
Archive: Paper
Genre: booklet, Keyword-9: James Woodhams and Son Jenner and Matthews Ltd Abbots Treasure Chest Womens Institute, Time-Period: Contemporary, Rights: digital version copyright BDHS, Topic: Christmas shopping, Location: Battle, Keyword-2: G Colley, Keyword-13: Battle Rangers Battle Cricket Club F Jempson and Son, Keyword-11: George Hotel International Stores, Keyword-12: Battle Laudry W C Allwork Battle Saga Marriott Edgar K H Emeleus, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Winsborrow and Son Elizabeth Ann Verey Tills B H Thorpe, Collection-Description: Documents trelating to Battle and the surrounding area, Keyword-3: H F Stiles, Keyword-1: Battle Chamber of Commerce, Keyword-14: Olivers Cinque Ports W A Raper Rev A T A Naylor Battle Life, Date-Issued-Published: Jul-23, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-15: Springfield Nurseries G H White W Dobson The Gateway, Keyword-8: Joyce Pain Vicarys Edmund L Loman, Type: Text, Keyword-6: Geoffrey Parks Judds Battle Bookshop, Title: Battle Christmas Shopping Gazette, Keyword-10: Battle Youth Centre, Description: Brochure of shops in Battle at Christmas time, Digital-Origin: .pdf created from digital photographs of original, Date-Created-Original: Dec-48, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Keyword-7: Erreys John Russsell Gregory and Son, Keyword-4: A Cobden Soar and Son, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Collection-Title: Paper
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Christmas Shopping 1948.pdf
Aug 1898.pdf
Archive: Paper
Collection-Description: Documents trelating to Battle and the surrounding area, Keyword-6: M Kekewich, Location: Battle, Time-Period: Late modern, Title: Parish Magazine, Keyword-12: Station Train Times, Keyword-2: Christabel Coleridge, Keyword-5: Mary Ballard, Keyword-4: Curse of Drinking, Topic: Church affairs, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Rights: digital version copyright BDHS, Keyword-11: Church organisations, Language: ENG, Collection-Title: Paper, Date-Issued-Published: Jul-23, Type: Text, Keyword-8: Gardening L Hereward, Keyword-10: Missionary work, Keyword-1: Banner of Faith, Keyword-3: India, Date-Created-Original: Aug 1898, Keyword-7: Wreck of the Warren Hastings, Holding-Institution: BMOLH, Digital-Origin: .pdf created from digital photographs of original, Description: Parts of Parish Magazine of the church of St Mary the Virgin Battle, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-9: Hot weather beverages, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Genre: booklet
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Aug 1898.pdf
Battle Town Index Mount Street A.pdf
Archive: Paper
Time-Period: Age of Revolution/Late Modern/Contemporary, Date-Created-Original: Aug-21, Digital-Origin: original text, Collection-Title: Battle Town Index, Genre: paper records, Type: text, Collection-Description: Information relating to buildings in Battle, Digital-Format: .pdf, Organisational-Name: BDHS, Location: Mount Street, Description: Index of properties in Mount Street, Resource-Owner: BDHS, Personal-Name: Ken Clarke, Date-Issued-Published: c1985-1995, Language: ENG, Holding-Institution: BMOLH
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Paper/Battle Town Index Mount Street A.pdf