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028. Sedlescombe and Kipling.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Topic: Rudyard Kipling, Genre: Literary histories, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-2: Hercules Brabazon Brabazon, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Title: Rudyard Kipling's Links to Sedlescombe, Description: An account looking at Rudyard Kipling's links to Sedlescombe, Keyword-1: Rudyard Kipling Carrie Kipling, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: Papillion, Language: ENG, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-3: The Old Manor House, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Time-Period: Late Modern, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Type: Text Images, Digital-Origin: digital original, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/028. Sedlescombe and Kipling.pdf
026. Sedlescombe Church and Churchyard.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Location: Sedlescombe, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-11: Coffee bar, Topic: Sedlescombe Church, Keyword-3: hobble-de-hoys, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-6: death watch beetle, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-8: Ralph Dellow John F Cook, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-2: Pratt Pratt window Highfield, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-5: Mullens Adamson, Description: A miscellany of items relating to Sedlescombe church and graveyard, Type: Text Images, Keyword-10: Eric Fellows, Title: Miscellany from Sedlescombe Church and Churchyard, Keyword-1: Church Churchyard, Keyword-4: bells, Keyword-7: Old Rectory New Rectory Philip Barry, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-9: orchids, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/026. Sedlescombe Church and Churchyard.pdf
007. Sedlescombe crime and punishment.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-8: Hard Labour poaching George Alfred White, Description: An historic collection of some of Sedlescombe's crimes and punishments, Keyword-7: Begging Harry Wickens, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-12: PC Bryan Graves, Topic: Crimes and their Punishments in the Past, Keyword-10: hunting RSPCA Band of Mercy Ronald Wise Samuel Apps, Title: Crime and Punishment in Sedlescombe, Keyword-13: Forge Cottages Almonry Farm Oaklands Powdermills The Street, Keyword-14: Agnes Elizabeth Pratt Highfields, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Location: Sedlescombe, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-6: James Ovenden, Keyword-3: Thomas Dennett Waterloo, Type: Text Images, Keyword-5: Charlotte Reed, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-9: Battle Workhouse, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-15: magistrates, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-1: highway robbery transportation, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-4: George Turner Thomas Hall, Genre: Literary histories, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-11: Eldridge John Mannington Stream Farm, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-2: Will Dennett Convicts Group
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/007. Sedlescombe crime and punishment.pdf
021. Sedlescombe Grocers (1).pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-13: Patience Strong, Type: Text Images, Keyword-4: Clockhouse Byner Alchin Hilder Button Miller Markwick, Keyword-3: The Workbox Brightman Harding, Title: Sedlescombe's Grocers, Keyword-2: Tanyard Phillips Elizabeth Eldridge Messeter, Keyword-14: Slann Dubery, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-1: Grocers drapers, Language: ENG, Keyword-8: Ditches Ditch, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-9: Millinery Funerals, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Location: Sedlescombe, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Description: Memories of those who provided food for the village, Digital-Format: .pdf, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-5: Bulmer House Hilder Sellens Cramp, Keyword-15: Mainwood Carolines Country Cuisine, Keyword-11: Dengate, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-7: Post Office, Keyword-6: Tanyard House, Keyword-12: Farthing Cottage, Genre: Literary histories, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-10: Linton House Sackville Cottages Fir Tree Cottage Homestall Oast, Topic: Grocers and shops in Sedlescombe
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/021. Sedlescombe Grocers (1).pdf
002. Sedlescombe Leather.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-5: shoemakers, Keyword-8: William Piper, Keyword-11: Thomas Archer, Description: Leather production and blacksmiths in Sedlescombe, Keyword-6: livestock farming, Keyword-13: George Simmons Charles Taylor, Keyword-12: Old Thatch, Keyword-7: W Holmes butcher, Time-Period: Middle Ages to Comtemporary, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-9: Tanyard House, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-3: blacksmiths, Keyword-14: smithy farrier, Topic: Leather Production Blacksmiths, Keyword-15: Bob Bourner Jon Martlew, Language: ENG, Genre: Literary histories, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-1: leather, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Type: Text Images, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Digital-Format: .pdf, Title: Sedlescombe's Industrial Past, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-2: shoes boots, Keyword-4: Iltonsbath Tanyard, Keyword-10: fellmonger
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/002. Sedlescombe Leather.pdf
003. Sedlescombe Gunpowder.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-6: Thomas Sargent, Keyword-8: powdermill, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-5: Gilmore Watson Coldgate King, Keyword-7: Laurence and Son, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Digital-Origin: digital original, Digital-Format: .pdf, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: Gunpowder production, Keyword-10: Waterfall Tea Rooms, Keyword-12: River Brede, Keyword-3: Iltonsbath, Title: Sedlescombe's Industrial Past, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Topic: Gunpowder Production, Keyword-11: Battle, Genre: Literary histories, Type: Text Images, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-4: explosion, Keyword-9: smuggling, Keyword-2: Barrack Cottage, Language: ENG, Keyword-1: gunpowder, Time-Period: Middle Ages to Contemporary
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/003. Sedlescombe Gunpowder.pdf
020. Sedlescombe Gregory Baker.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-9: Gregorys Motors, Location: Sedlescombe, Digital-Origin: digital original, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-3: demolition, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-4: Bill Drury Elizabeth Lesley, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-11: old bakery cottages, Keyword-1: Wallace Gregory Cecil Gregory Ivy Gregory, Genre: Literary histories, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Gregory and Son Bakers of Sedlescombe, Keyword-2: A J Veness builder, Topic: Gregorys bakers and moors, Keyword-13: Gregory Walk, Keyword-10: Hilders Garage The Bridge Garage, Keyword-12: tea rooms, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-7: temperance tea gardens, Keyword-8: Football Team, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-6: William Boxall Edward Snepp, Type: Text Images, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-5: Suntrap Cottages, Description: An account of Gregory's bakeries and motor business
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/020. Sedlescombe Gregory Baker.pdf
023. Sedlescombe Tale of two chapels short.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-5: Sedlescombe Hill Chapel Hill Chapel, Topic: Congregational Chapels in Sedlescombe, Genre: Literary histories, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Title: A Tale of Two Chapels, Keyword-3: Charles New, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-11: Manse, Description: The story of Frederick Tuppenny and the Building of Two Congregational Chapels, Language: ENG, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-1: Frederick Tuppenney, Keyword-9: Libel Tuppenny v New, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-10: Lottie Wilson Ivy Cooper, Type: Text Images, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-8: Victorian Marriage School, Keyword-4: Young Men's Christian Union Evangelism Ranters, Keyword-2: Congregational, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-7: Ellen Bacon Jacoba Vanvliedt Pannevis, Digital-Origin: digital original, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-6: Magic Lantern
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/023. Sedlescombe Tale of two chapels short.pdf
001. Sedlescombe Iron and Charcoal.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-4: Footlands, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Description: Iron and charcoal production in Sedlescombe, Keyword-2: Oaklands, Keyword-15: Steve Barnes, Keyword-5: Cast Iron, Location: Sedlescombe, Title: Sedlescombe's Industrial Past, Keyword-10: Richard Lenard, Keyword-13: Edward Patry, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Genre: Literary histories, Language: ENG, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-11: fireback, Type: Text Images, Time-Period: Ancient History to Contemporary, Keyword-12: Jim Smith, Keyword-14: Blackman Pavie Ladden Marley Lane, Digital-Origin: digital original, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Petley Wood, Keyword-7: Charcoal, Keyword-6: Brede Furnace, Keyword-9: William Bishop, Keyword-1: iron, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Topic: Iron and Coal Production, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-8: bloomeries, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/001. Sedlescombe Iron and Charcoal.pdf
014. Sedlescombe Brede Lane.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-12: Village Hall Orchard Way, Time-Period: Contemporary, Keyword-8: Sedlescombe School, Type: Text Images, Language: ENG, Keyword-7: Park Shaw allotments, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-2: East View Terrace Local Authority Housing Blacklands Edgar Boxall, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Topic: Development in Brede Lane, Digital-Format: .pdf, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-6: Gorselands telephone exchange, Keyword-1: Ivy Cottage Springfield Cottage, Title: The Lane Now Known as Brede Lane, Keyword-5: Brede Barn Cottages Mabbs Farm John Keeling Hilda and Dennis Leeves, Keyword-14: developments, Keyword-11: Streetlands Street Farm, Keyword-3: Police House Bryan Graves Demolition Ron Edwards, Keyword-10: Surgery Antony Wright Steven Stern Penny Wright Timothy Jardine-Brown, Genre: Literary histories, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Description: The development of Brede Lane over the past hundred years, Keyword-13: The Paddock, Keyword-9: Public Car Park Public Toilets Ann Moore, Keyword-4: East View Terrace Kickabout area scout hut cubs brownies Rose Sivyer Kevin Barton
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/014. Sedlescombe Brede Lane.pdf
033. Nov 1947 Parish Mag.PDF
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Description: Post World War II Parish Magazine, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Type: Text Images, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-1: weekday hints, Keyword-2: women homes, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: digital original, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Time-Period: Contemporary, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Topic: November 1947 Parish Magazine, Location: Sedlescombe, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Title: Parish news, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Genre: Literary histories, Holding-Institution: BDHS
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/033. Nov 1947 Parish Mag.PDF
011. Sedlescombe Health.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Type: Text Images, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-1: Malaria, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Topic: Health and doctors in Sedlescombe, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-2: smallpox vaccination, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-5: Royal East Sussex Hospital, Keyword-6: Dr Kendall, Keyword-3: chilblains diphtheria, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-10: Cottage Surgery, Title: Sedlescombe's Healh, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-7: Nurse Lizzie Kenward Maggie Bishop Sackville Cottages, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Description: A look at Sedlescombe's doctors and the diseases they had to treat, Keyword-4: Mr Weston Timothy Donovan, Keyword-9: James Roberts Wright Antony Wright Penelope Wright, Language: ENG, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-11: Timothy Jardine-Brown, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-12: Brede Lane surgery, Keyword-8: drinking water pump, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Digital-Origin: digital original, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/011. Sedlescombe Health.pdf
012. Sedlescombe 1970s compilation.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-1: Parish news-sheets, Keyword-2: Rev Barry, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-6: Rev Dennis Prince Church News A Midsummer Night's Dream, Keyword-5: Sports Association Keep Fit Week, Digital-Origin: digital original, Title: The 1970s from the Perspective of Sedlescombe Parish News, Keyword-10: wives group scout group Women's Institute Paula Fisher, Description: Sedlescombe in the 1970s as portrayed in Sedlescombe Parish News, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-4: Football Club Stoolball Cricket, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-15: Beryl Lucey, Keyword-11: Village Hall, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-14: United Reformed Church Centenary flooding, Keyword-13: Post Office Hugh Dandy majorettes, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Topic: Sedlescombe in the 1970s, Keyword-3: Ugandan Asians, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-7: Phyllis Reeves footpaths, Keyword-9: flower princess May Princess, Type: Text Images, Language: ENG, Time-Period: Contemporary, Keyword-12: Ann Moore Petley Wood Deer Farm, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-8: school youth club, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/012. Sedlescombe 1970s compilation.pdf
032. Sept 1947 Parish mag.PDF
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-2: milk for children, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Title: Parish news, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Language: ENG, Type: Text Images, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-1: advertisements, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Description: Post World War II Parish Magazine, Genre: Literary histories, Digital-Origin: digital original, Time-Period: Contemporary, Topic: September 1947 Parish Magazine, Location: Sedlescombe, Holding-Institution: BDHS
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/032. Sept 1947 Parish mag.PDF
022. Sedlescombe Post Office.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-4: Cook's Coaches, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-2: Wilton newsagent tobacconist library, Keyword-3: Dadswell, Description: A look at The Post Office, Keyword-5: Drury Robinson Rhodes Mainwood, Title: Sedlescombe Post Office, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-6: Morris Dancers, Keyword-7: Farley Mowatt Rolfe, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: digital original, Genre: Literary histories, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Type: Text Images, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: Archers bootmaker, Location: Sedlescombe, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Topic: The Post Office in Sedlescombe, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/022. Sedlescombe Post Office.pdf
018. Sedlescombe Coach and Horses.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Title: The Coach and Horses Inn Sedlescombe, Description: The story of the Coach and Horses public house, Keyword-5: Ivy Cooper, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Topic: Coach and Horses Inn, Keyword-8: Pollards, Language: ENG, Keyword-2: Barrack Cottages, Keyword-6: football club, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-4: fire, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-7: Dennis Thomas, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Digital-Origin: digital original, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-3: Golby Inman Alf Akehurst, Location: Sedlescombe, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Digital-Format: .pdf, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Type: Text Images, Keyword-1: Lottie Wilson
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/018. Sedlescombe Coach and Horses.pdf
031. June 1947 Parish mag.PDF
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Language: ENG, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Genre: Literary histories, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Type: Text Images, Digital-Format: .pdf, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Digital-Origin: digital original, Location: Sedlescombe, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Topic: June 1947 Parish Magazine, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Title: Parish news, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-1: hints and tips, Keyword-2: advertisements, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Time-Period: Contemporary, Description: Post World War II Parish Magazine
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/031. June 1947 Parish mag.PDF
019. Sedlescombe Queen's Head.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Title: The Queen's Head Sedlescombe Village Green, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Topic: Queens Head Inn, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-9: horse trough, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Description: Events relating to The Queen's Head, Keyword-5: D H Burles, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Type: Text Images, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-11: Geese, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-2: J A Maplesden, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-4: Hunt, Keyword-8: trips from Hastings Edgar Boxall visitors, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-3: St Leonards Cycling and Motoring Club, Keyword-12: James Wheatley, Keyword-1: Thomas Turner, Keyword-7: Sedlescombe Band, Digital-Format: .pdf, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-10: John Cook Flower Princess, Keyword-6: volunteer training corps
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/019. Sedlescombe Queen's Head.pdf
009. Sedlescombe Photography and Postcards.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-4: Sellens and Cramp, Keyword-6: Mr Beauford, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: pump and village, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-3: post office Clockhouse Grocery Edward Hilder, Keyword-5: Emile Vieler, Digital-Origin: digital original, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Type: Text Images, Topic: Photography postcards postal service, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Language: ENG, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-8: photographers, Title: Early Photography and Postcards, Description: Penny Post Postcards and Professional Photographers connected to Sedlescombe, Keyword-7: George Wiliam Stokes, Time-Period: Late Modern Conteemporary, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-2: postcards Penny Red
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/009. Sedlescombe Photography and Postcards.pdf
010. Sedlescombe roads.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Description: An account of roads turnpikes cars and Sedlescombe Service Station, Topic: Devolpment of transportlinks and transport, Keyword-5: Post Boys Gun House Chestnut Tree Cottage, Language: ENG, Keyword-8: Spilstead Farmhouse Sedlescombe Place Hancox, Keyword-7: Durhamford Edge Stream Farm Stream House, Location: Sedlescombe, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-6: Manor Cottages Old Rectory Church Little Castlemans, Keyword-1: roads, Type: Text Images, Keyword-12: A21 cinder Roman bloomeries Martello Towers, Keyword-3: Fir Tree Cottage Sackville Cottage, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-10: highway robbery Mr Spencer Sargent, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-2: Old Thatch Kester House Holmes House Forge Cottages, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-15: Duchess of Cleveland Gregory's van motor cars buses cycling, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-9: James Burton turnpike roads, Keyword-11: St Leonards and Sedlescombe turnpike trust tollgates, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-13: raiway Battle Station Dickiebusche Service Station, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-4: Brickwall Queens Head The Green, Keyword-14: Blackbrooks Gate Sedlescombe Gate Compasses Gate, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Title: Sedlescombe's Roads, Digital-Origin: digital original
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/010. Sedlescombe roads.pdf
029. Sedlescombe WWI.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-9: Sir John Nixon, Type: Text Images, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-12: Fred Cooper Playford Bryant, Keyword-3: Henry Adeane, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-8: Brass Band Sedlescombe Volunteers, Topic: World War I, Digital-Origin: digital original, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-6: Cyril Mullens, Keyword-14: Normanhurst Dr Kendall, Keyword-15: Hancox taxation, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-2: Conscription, Keyword-4: Gillachrist Moore, Keyword-5: Boyce Anthony Combe, Language: ENG, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-7: Christmas Red Cross, Time-Period: Late Modern, Title: Sedlescombe in World War I, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-13: Sidney Weller, Description: World War I and its impact on Sedlescombe families, Keyword-11: Memorial, Keyword-10: Shelters Hospital, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: Sedlescombe Rifle Club, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/029. Sedlescombe WWI.pdf
015. Sedlescombe Brickwall.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Time-Period: Middle Ages to Contemporary, Keyword-4: Hercules Brabazon Thomas Parsons, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-7: Sale 1926 Edward Patry A Sussex Charcoal Burner, Topic: Brickwall Hotal, Description: A history of The Brickwall from 1599, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-6: Harvey Trewythen Brabazon Combe, Type: Text Images, Keyword-3: Holmes House, Keyword-5: Tewarts Farm Blackbrooks Farm Westfield and Weydown Farm, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Brickwall, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-2: Brede Furnace Chimney plate John Sackville Hancox Sedlescombe Place, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-1: Thomas Sackvil Peter Farnden, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-8: Jubilee Oak 1935, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-10: Brickwall Hotel, Keyword-9: 1951 fire
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/015. Sedlescombe Brickwall.pdf
027. Sedlescombe HBB.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-8: Ye Olde Oak and Iron Curiosity Shop, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-13: Sedlescombe Hoard, Keyword-9: Brabazon Art and Folk Museum, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-1: Oaklands Manor, Keyword-5: artist Gertrude Jekyll, Type: Text Images, Keyword-2: Decimus Burton, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-4: Brabazon Park, Keyword-3: Sharpe, Topic: Hercules Brabazon Brabazon, Language: ENG, Keyword-11: Hurst House, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-12: Tithe Barn, Description: An account of the life and times of Hercules Brabazon Brabazon, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-6: John Singer Sargent, Keyword-7: Harvey Trewythen Brabazon Combe, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-10: trugs fireback, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Location: Sedlescombe, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Title: Hercules Brabazon Sharpe/ Brabazon 1821-1906
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/027. Sedlescombe HBB.pdf
017. Sedlescombe School.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-6: school uniform, Keyword-9: Football Team Mr Brandish, Keyword-3: Lottie Wilson Miss Jukes, Language: ENG, Keyword-2: Old school school photo, Keyword-8: Ivy Cooper Miss Dengate Marjotie Bishop, Keyword-15: Red Barn Field May Day, Keyword-10: school canteen Alfred Jumbo James, Keyword-1: Rev Barnsley Thomas Coalbran, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Genre: Literary histories, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-5: measles small pox chicken pox, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-11: Pestalozzi Paul Furley Tony Blackburn, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Title: Sedlescombe School from 1723, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-7: Clarence Wood Horace Martin Edgar Boxall, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Type: Text Images, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-12: campaign new school David Marshall Stephen Gilbert, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-4: school attendance Mr Reeves, Description: A history of Sedlescombe school, Topic: Sedlescombe school, Keyword-13: Patrick Fleming, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-14: Marian Ham
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/017. Sedlescombe School.pdf
030. Sedescombe WWII.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-7: Munitions Factory, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Language: ENG, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-4: doodlebug Merrion House Strawberry Hill Farm defusing bomb, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Type: Text Images, Keyword-10: obstructions barbed wire, Keyword-6: Royal Observer Corps Balcombe Green, Description: Sedlescombe in World War II, Keyword-12: Jellicoe Cup, Location: Sedlescombe, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Genre: Literary histories, Title: World War II What Happened in Sedlescombe, Keyword-13: World War II Memorial, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-1: Evacuation ARP shelters gas, Keyword-8: Strong Wilton Pile Edwardes-Jones Beeching Taylor, Keyword-5: VE Day John Pilkington Hudson Bomb Alley unexploded bomb, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Topic: World War II, Keyword-2: Philips grocers food Gregory's, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-11: WI British Legion, Keyword-9: Harris Williams Wright Keeling, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-3: farming tank traps offences rabbits
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/030. Sedescombe WWII.pdf
024. Sedlescombe Mission Chapel evening.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-4: Jenner Pepper, Type: Text Images, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-12: Bunyan, Keyword-6: Subnday School, Title: An Evening at the Mission Chapel, Keyword-1: Tuppenney, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Time-Period: Late Modern, Description: An analysis of a newspaper report of an evening at the Congregational Chapel, Keyword-5: Morris Crampton, Keyword-10: Mechanics Institute Brassey, Keyword-2: Congregational Chapel, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-3: Avann Cook Large, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-11: Magic Lantern, Genre: Literary histories, Language: ENG, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-9: books librarian, Keyword-7: Tea, Keyword-8: transport, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Topic: A Meeting held at the Mission Chapel in 1881, Digital-Origin: digital original, Location: Sedlescombe
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/024. Sedlescombe Mission Chapel evening.pdf
013. Sedlescombe 1980s compilation.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Language: ENG, Keyword-11: St Michael's Hospice Sheila Leach Tea Towel Scheme, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-4: Albert Bentley Betty and Leslie Barter Cubs Brownies Pestalozzi, Keyword-1: Parish news-sheets, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-8: Songs of Praise Police Neighbourhood Watch, Keyword-2: Churchyard Fund Eric Fellows Michael Drury, Time-Period: Contemporary, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Type: Text Images, Keyword-7: Football Club Tennis Club snares Paul Salkeld John Corbett Bill Smith, Keyword-13: Royal Wedding, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-6: Garden Horticultural Society Lift Scheme New School, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Topic: Sedlescombe in the 1980s, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Origin: digital original, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-5: Home Defence Village Hall Mother's Union Wives Group, Title: A Selection of Snippets from the 1980s Sedlescombe Parish News, Keyword-12: Tithe Barn Restaurant, Keyword-9: Sportsfield W Hook Bowls Club Flower Club Pilot Club, Keyword-14: TV Relay Station Sheep dog trials Rev Colin Pritchard, Description: Sedlescombe in the 1980s as portrayed in Sedlescombe Parish News, Keyword-10: Clockhouse Stores Spilstead's Farm Air-strip, Keyword-15: Great Storm 1987 East View Terrace, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-3: Women's Institute
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/013. Sedlescombe 1980s compilation.pdf
004. Sedlescombe's buildings.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-2: Sedlescombe Street, Description: A look at Sedlescombe's buildings through time, Digital-Format: .pdf, Keyword-15: Chestnut Tree Cottage Jacobs Cottage Swailes Green Farmhouse, Keyword-5: Old Thatch Holmes House, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-7: Forge Cottages, Keyword-11: Footlands Farmhouse Queens Head, Digital-Origin: digital original, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-1: The Green, Keyword-6: Barrack Cottage Tanyard House, Language: ENG, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Topic: Sedlescombe's historic buildings, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-14: Durhamford Stream House Lee Bank, Time-Period: Middle Ages to Comntempoary, Keyword-9: Durud Claytons, Type: Text Images, Keyword-3: Manor Cottages, Keyword-8: Sackville Cottages Fir Tree Cottage, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Title: Sedlescombe's Buildings, Keyword-10: Jacobs Farmhouse Spilstead Farm Luffs Farm Barn, Keyword-13: Holmes House Kester House Village Pump, Keyword-4: Queens Head Asselton House, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-12: Spilstead Farm Cottages
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/004. Sedlescombe's buildings.pdf
005. Sedlescombe Century of village life.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Digital-Format: .pdf, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-8: water works, Keyword-6: water pump, Keyword-7: Brede High Farm Autsford Farm, Keyword-4: first councillors chairman clerks, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-15: local history exhibition, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-14: parish map, Keyword-11: parish assembly footpaths, Type: Text Images, Keyword-10: village hall sportsfield PCSO, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Description: A centennial history of Sedlescombe Parish Council, Keyword-9: allotments, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Title: A Century of Village Life, Keyword-5: Sheila Betts first woman chair, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-3: Harvey T B Combe, Keyword-12: competitions awards, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-1: Parish Council, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-13: centenary dinner, Topic: Sedlescombe Parish Council, Language: ENG, Keyword-2: Church of England Methodists
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/005. Sedlescombe Century of village life.pdf
025. Sedlescombe The Old Chapel.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Time-Period: Age of Revolution Late Modern Contemporary, Genre: Literary histories, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-6: cinema, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-7: Doswell, Keyword-11: Napoleonic, Keyword-1: Wesleyan Chapel Methodist, Title: The Old Chapel, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-8: Cotton, Keyword-9: Barrack Cottages Kings Head, Keyword-10: Lucy Crisford, Type: Text Images, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Keyword-5: draper Duggett carpenter, Keyword-12: Crisford Booth Sinnock Buss, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Description: A History of The Old Chapel, Keyword-3: workhouse emigration America Australia Bounty, Topic: Methodism in Sedlescombe, Keyword-13: Florist Spilsted, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-2: poverty Swing Riots William Cobbett, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-4: Drill Hall, Digital-Format: .pdf, Language: ENG, Keyword-14: Inman Sinnock Kenward Sellens
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/025. Sedlescombe The Old Chapel.pdf
008. Sedlescombe employment.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-2: horse breeding Mr Cumming Maurice Abbot, Digital-Origin: digital original, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Keyword-12: hops hop-pickers oast house E H Chambers Le Roy Hubbard, Keyword-1: gardening domestic Pratts Castlemans, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Digital-Format: .pdf, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-9: agricultural Mr Farrow Mr Tickner A G Fairhall, Keyword-10: Edward Ashdowne cattle sheep oxen Swailes Green Farm, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-6: stagecoaches ostler Coach and Horses, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-8: Spilstead Farm Luffs Farm Notons Farm Lower Marley Farm, Language: ENG, Keyword-5: Highfield Great Sanders Oaklands, Keyword-13: Hop Press Oast Houses cowl Eric Cornwell, Description: A miscellaneous group of images about employment in Sedlescombe, Topic: Occupations and employment, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-7: horsemen cowmen milkmen Edgar Boxall, Type: Text Images, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-11: Carpenter's Barn fire potatoes tractor Bridge Garage, Keyword-3: Rectory, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Title: A Look at Employment in Sedlescombe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-4: Beech House William Hyland
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/008. Sedlescombe employment.pdf
016. Sedlescombe Pump.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Location: Sedlescombe, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Keyword-7: Dr Wright Dr Gordon lead pollution, Language: ENG, Keyword-9: Pauline Glew Alan Olin Judy Torrance, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Keyword-8: Dennis Thomas restoration, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Keyword-3: Well Jesse Hall, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-11: Hilary Hannam, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond, Type: Text Images, Digital-Format: .pdf, Title: The Story of Sedlescombe's Pump and Pumphouse 1900, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-4: W Dodds Arts and Crafts, Keyword-10: Mike Havell, Keyword-1: Pump Pumphouse, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Keyword-5: building village green, Keyword-2: Rev John Pratt Mary Ann Bucknill Samuel Pratt Berens Bucknill, Keyword-6: Lena Thomas Basil Beeching, Topic: Sedlescombe's water pre 1956, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Description: The history of Sedlescombe's pump and pumphouse and its restoration, Genre: Literary histories
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/016. Sedlescombe Pump.pdf
006. Sedlescombe Competitions and awards.pdf
Archive: Sedlescombe Village History
Keyword-11: Village of the Year, Keyword-3: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-4: Village Sign, Holding-Institution: BDHS, Collection-Title: Sdlescombe Village History, Description: A look at awards and competitions won by Sedlescombe from 1920s to 2000s, Location: Sedlescombe, Keyword-7: South East in Bloom, Keyword-6: Village Green, Collection-Description: A series of documents outlining various aspects Sedlescombe's history, Personal-Name: Pauline Raymond, Keyword-14: Margaret Hudson Rosemary Farley Sylvia Beaney, Topic: Awards and Competitions won by Sedlecombe and its Citizens, Time-Period: Late Modern Contemporary, Keyword-8: Environment, Date-Created-Original: 2024-03, Digital-Origin: digital original, Keyword-5: Sir Humphrey Edwardes-Jones, Keyword-13: Citizenship, Genre: Literary histories, Keyword-10: Sedlescombe tapestry, Title: Competitions and Awards, Keyword-9: Village Hall, Keyword-2: Royal East Sussex Hospital, Keyword-1: Awards Competitions, Language: ENG, Keyword-15: John Kemp Bob Harris Jenny and John Mainwood, Date-Issued-Published: 2024-04, Digital-Format: .pdf, Resource-Owner: Pauline Raymond, Type: Text Images, Keyword-12: Community Award, Rights: Copyright Pauline Raymond
http://bdhsarchives.com/Archives/Sedlescombe Village History/006. Sedlescombe Competitions and awards.pdf